Monday, September 17, 2012

Paging Dr. House

Day 11 of our captivity...

Got to say, this was not a happy Mommy day.
Lots of "face-palm" and death stares being passed around.

My Mega-Issues of the Day:

1. The GI team did not round on us till after 4pm.
Listen yo, I know we are not the only patients on your list AAAAAAAND I have insider info on how this whole ridiculous dance we call healthcare goes. But, not giving any new information to a patient/parent till late afternoon following a useless weekend?!
Crazy, b***h mama was mounting her broom.
**insert death stare**
2. So, his liver is working just fine (AST/ALT are improving everyday...Praise God!) but, the bile ducts are of concern (GGT).
We're not quite sure...yada yada yada...Vanishing Bile Duct Syndrome (WHAT?!)...possibly related to the amoxicillin and augmentin he took.
We're back to the antibiotic theory.
(BTW, WHY are these antibiotics on the "ok" list for liver patients? Well, you see, this whole amoxicillin destroying your bile ducts very rarely happens and no one is quite sure why and how and when. Side note, Dear Bubby...Mommy and Daddy are thrilled you want to be an individual and stand out. God didn't bless you for you to blend in and be a follower...just, lets stay away from the bizarre medical anomalies. Huh? Shesh.)

The plan as of 4:30 this afternoon...continue to slowly lower the steroids (even though this is day 5 of the original prescribed course -_- ) and try a new medication, ursidiol, to see if it will help lower the GGT. Ursidiol is actually a med that he was on prior to transplant; it helps stimulate bile flow. 
Gaggle of Doctors:By Wednesday we'll know if we need to do another biopsy.
WHOA! Another biopsy??
GoD:Yes, Crazy, Agitated Mother, another biopsy. If this doesn't work we need another biopsy to figure out what is going on.

So, you don't see us going home any time this week.

(Let me just clarify. My beef is not really with the doctors. I know that we are in good hands and they are doing everything in the best interest of Weston. They get the brunt of the frustrations because they are the bearers of "no news". This is day 11 of our incarceration and while the evidence of whatever is happening is dissipating, we still are no where closer to an answer than day 1. FRUSTRATING)

3. Day Nurse
Day Nurse, you and I are going to fight.
Or maybe I'm just going to assume care of my son...
Er'body else uses his PICC for his glucose checks. You, insist on sticking him.
THEN you double stick him with his insulin syringe...twice today!!
And the second time, the insulin didn't even make it in!!
Not to mention making my toddler stare at his food tray while we hunt you down for ten minutes to check his blood sugar before he can eat.
**death stare**

4. The New Bubby Diet
W is sustaining life on a diet of Pirate Booty, peaches and milk.
Where is my kid that ate everything??
Pirate Booty, peaches and milk.

5. Cafeteria People
We missed breakfast service because Day Nurse slowed us down.
Breakfast service ends at 9:30.
Well, not a huge deal because I don't want you to make anything for me. Just want a cup of grits you got there in that pot.

NO! Breakfast is over! 9:30! It's after 9:30!
Ok. Can I ladle out my own grits? No skin off your back, right?
NO! It's 9:36!! Breakfast is over!
Well, what the hell are you going to do with the left over food??
**death stare**

So, when I worked in the schools, a kid could get in line and get a hot meal tray. When they reached the end of the line and it was discovered that they didn't have any money on their lunch account, they promptly took the tray away, gave the kid a cheese sandwich and then 

I'm going to bed to sleep off some of this crabbiness.

Thank you for the continued support and prayers for my little man. <3>

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm continualy surprised at the stupidity of people with their rules and regularations,, Some things don't make sense and just are mean.. I have only one piece of advice for the day nurse in question WATCH YOUR BACK the world doesn't revolve around her and she better learn Weston is precious and his Mother is doesn't need this extra hassle. Love you Kiss my angel for me..granny
