Sunday, September 16, 2012

Ghost Town

It never ceases to amaze me that such a busy place become so deserted over the weekend.
Except for the ER over-flow waiting out in the main lobby.
His AST and ALT have dropped, but the GGT hasn't budged since the initial drop.
So, now we have to think about chronic rejection again.

The weekend doctor didn't have much info, but he did say that his liver is functioning well; we just may need to look at some different types of medication.
Overall, I guess that's a "yay!"

They have been decreasing the steroid dose every 24 hours. And with each reduction, the beast fades further into the shadows.
Our sweet, snuggly bug is popping up here and there:
Watching the Cowboys with DaddyDaddy
All cuddled, super cute like

One of the side effects of steroids is high blood sugar.
He's had his blood sugar checked for the past few days, but today was the first day for insulin shots!
Poor bubby!
The good news is, that as the steroids go down, his blood sugar is normalizing.

They continue to mess with his Prograf. I don't know what they're doing. I'm sure they'll tell me how much they need him on when we finally get discharged.

We went for our THIRD ultrasound this afternoon.
What are they looking for??
An alien???
Bubby hates the ultrasound people.

When we are not getting belly scans, we like to take walks with various items. Usually, he likes to parade around the hallways with his football balloon.
This morning, his items of choice were my sunglasses and his daily menu.
He loves to riding the escalators up and down in the Women's Pavilion.

And of course, thank God for iTunes.
Kicked back watching Cars
Toy Story 3 for like the bazillionth time, Mom

GD is hanging out with my Emmy!
I got this photo this afternoon:

She's precious and one of a kind!
I miss you, my love!!!

1 comment:

The H Fam said...

Awww, was he tired of seeing Big Baby? :) Thinking of y'all always.
