Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wordless Wednesday::Bathtub Ham and Cheese

PS: don't fret over the yellow tint in the pictures. He looks REALLY good and am hoping for good news from our labs today

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Saturday, March 23, 2013

It's Been A Minute

At least, that's what I was told about my lack of blog updates.

Well, let's see.

Emily is sweet and sassy.
She is only interested in wearing dresses and skirts. Because only boys wear jeans.
She is obsessed with being married.
In fact, she stayed home from school one day last week, and we happened to have the carpets cleaned that day. She was all enthralled with the carpet cleaning man and was making kissing noises and saying she wanted to marry him.
I told her she's not allowed to get married until she is at least 20, so stop worrying about it.
She requested help in opening a pair of bunny glasses so she could "look fabulous". 
I don't know where she gets it from.
She's always coming up with something to make sure we're paying attention.
SO dramatic!
Looks like a deleted scene from Psycho.

Weston is doing well.
His liver enzymes are fluctuating a bit.
We had to go back up on his steroid again.
Labs next week.
He is a little VIP at the lab.
Everyone knows Weston.
He is such a big brave boy.
No tears and he shows them where to stick every time.
He sporadically decides to try and potty train himself.
The results of which include random pantlessness; cow patties in the hallway, his bedroom and the bathroom; and an impromptu pee pee shower that would make R. Kelly jealous. Poor Emily was the unsuspecting victim. She was HORRIFIED for DAYS.
"I can't believe he peed on me!!"

He loves to pick out the moos and horses in the fields and every bird is a chicken.
We passed by some grackles the other day and suddenly I heard a shrill "BAAAAAAAAK BAAAAAAAAK!" from the backseat.

Anyone interested in a mini Schnauzer??
He is a handful.
He thinks he's doing us a favor by helping clean the cat's litter box and aiding in solid waste removal when Bubby pops a squat. But, really, its gross and makes me want to set him lose with the bulls in the pasture behind the house.
Emily loves him, though.

Flamingos, Gators and Giraffes. Oh MY!

After a long previous weekend of hanging around the house and being lazy, we all had a pretty big case of cabin fever. 
Today we loaded up with our friends and headed out to the wild and exotic Abilene Zoo.

I've never seen them bend their legs like that.

Booooring ;-)

Smartest animals in the Zoo...
The Selectively Social Ducks.
Taking a nap all by themselves away from everyone else.

"Emily...go stand over there so I can take your picture."
Aaaaaand she poses like this.
I'm filling out convent applications tomorrow.
Really cool feature at the zoo was the giraffe bridge.
You were able to feed them crackers off the bridge.

The crew up on the bridge

Unimpressed Lion

We made up for our lazy weekend.
We're all exhausted and ready for a quiet Sunday.
