Friday, March 16, 2012

Golden Spring Break Curse

BC (before children) used to be that New Years Eve held the curse. Someone (mainly me) always ended up deathly ill and hospitalized (think kidney stones). But, since I've had to work the past 3-4 New Years (yay for nursing!), the curse has moved to a different holiday...Spring Break. For the past 3 SB's, someone in the Golden house has been deathly ill and/or hospitalized. No, I'm not exaggerating.
Spring Break 2010 - a sweet 18m old Emmy Ryan was super green around the gills and we quarantined inside
Spring Break 2011 - Mr. Weston's transplant incision dehisced and required surgery and a week long stay at Dell Children's Medical Center
which brings us to Spring Break 2012:
That's the face of a double ear infection
Stomach virus

Yes, Wes had double ear infection and was miserable...poor little guy.
That Thursday before break, Emily and I both came down with a terrible stomach virus. Poor baby girl couldn't keep anything down for 12 hours.
The stomach virus was short lived, thankfully, and The Mommy was able to go to work.
New shift...weekend nights. Not smart to start working overnight for the first time in years before SB.

Fast forward to Wednesday of SB:
Mommy and Wes left for Houston at 6am.
Just for a check-up.
W's labs were slightly elevated, but we are thinking it's due to the recent illness. H/H was good, iron was still low, so we'll recheck that in a couple of weeks. We were able to reduce his ProGraf to 1.5mLs.
Guess I should note that as soon as we exited 610 in Houston, I glanced back at W and noticed that he had a massive blow out...clothes ruined, poop all over him, all over his car seat.
Thank God for Target and iPhone navigation apps.
Bubby enjoying the cool spring evening.
(in his new emergency outfit)
So,while W and I were in Houston, The Daddy took Emmy out for a Daddy Daughter date. They went to see The Lorax in 3D :-)

She looks like a teenager!!

Well, they watched a decent portion of the movie. See those Raisinets? Evidently, mixed with a gallon of Sprite, they form a volatile concoction, aaaaaaaaaand make a re-appearance in the bathroom trash can.

Evidently, I was feeling left out of the Wednesday catastrophes. My throat started killing me, glands in my neck were all swollen and body was super achy. So, I took some ibuprofen and took a hot bath.
Getting out of the tub, my blood pressure bottomed out (prob from the hot water and getting up too fast) and I passed out, hit my head on the bathtub edge and had some seizure activity.
I came to shaking my arms, water in my mouth and the tub almost empty.
God must have a plan for me, because I easily could have drowned.
Visions of comas and craniotomies flashed in my head.
Billy and I spent the evening in the ER. Blood work, an EKG and head CT later, I'm perfectly healthy and just had a vaso-vagal reaction. To be honest with you, I wasn't particularly concerned with WHY it happened, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to need a neurosurgeon.

Seriously! Never a dull moment.

Thursday afternoon, we ventured out with Emmy's best gal pal, Savannah, and her mommy and baby brother.
We met up at the Austin Rodeo and had a ton of fun.
The girls were so cute together. They held hands the whole time!

Pony Rides!
Listening to live music
BFFs <3
Baby Longhorn in the background
 Weston was not a big fan of the Rodeo. I don't think he felt 100% and was just tired and cranky.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

So Responsible!

I got the best pics at work today. Totally made my day.

Well, this one actually didn't:


But, don't despair. Emily Ryan and The Daddy got the house ship shape in no time.

Isn't my baby girl so sweet and proud?!

Oh, but her clean determination didn't stop there:

(the chicken legs make this pic :-) )

Have I mentioned how much this girl makes me smile?? So proud of her <3

And what did Bubby do?

Aaaaaaaand 4 hours later


Emmy didn't mind. She took her little bro out for a spin.


I love my babies!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Emily's Flowers

Every spring, I am suckered into thinking that this will be the year that my garden is beautiful and I will continue to take care of it as diligently as I do when the temperature is nice and mild.
Every summer, everything that isn't saved by the sprinkler system dies.
A horrible, agonizing death of baking in the 100+ degree heat and being choked out by weeds.
This spring, not only do I have the delusions of garden grandeur, but I got Emmy to go along with it.
She got to pick out a pot and plant to take care of.
Her pot: a simple, but very practicle terra cotta
Her plant: a beautiful, but already blooming iris
She would not be swayed on the iris.
We came home and potted her precious plant and watered it. :-)
She was so cute and attentive and even told the plant to "drink up" when she watered it.
Emily's iris
Sorry, no pics of my sweet gardening pal. She firmly refused to be photographed.
I couldn't pass up these purple and white hyacinths. The ones in bloom at the nursery smelled SO GOOD.
