Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wordy Wednesday

Meet Sparky...
Someone had a rough day, yesterday.
But, when Sparky moved and showed her that he was really keeping tabs on her, she turned it around and had a Gold Star day today!
You go E!

At first, we were pretty apprehensive on how she would react to Sparky and his spying for Santa deal.
We thought Santa was pretty much dead to E, as he didn't give her the guitar she asked for right then and there...
She holds a pretty mean grudge.
We shall see how long the Elf Extortion yields positive results.

Speaking of Naughty List:
Weston finally got revenge on his big sister for every time she disturbed his peaceful slumber!
He seemed pretty pumped about it,too!

But little Bubby couldn't stay on the Naughty List too long:
I mean, really...can you resist this sweet face and angelic voice??

Make sure to come back tomorrow!!
December 1st is National Biliary Atresia Awareness Day
and we have big plans to celebrate!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

So Thankful

From our turkeys to yours...

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Winter Wonderland Wednesday

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Turkey Day, NOLA Style::Day 1

We were up bright and early this morning and heading to the airport.
3 suitcases, 2 car seats and a stroller. Oy! But the Sky Cap was awesome and hooked us up.
We breezed through security; did you know kids don't have to take off their shoes? What a life saver!

The babies were ANGELS on the flights. Weston only got a little restless during our layover in Dallas. I am one proud mama!

A little chocolate milk before boarding.

She's so excited!

Checking out the view

Emmy said "SNOW!!!"


No plane ride is going to keep him from missing his nap.

We had some delicious seafood gumbo and boiled shrimp waiting for us. Can't complain about that :-)

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Pumpkin Pie!!

This girl loves her some pumpkin pie!!

Almost as much as she likes making whipped cream mustaches.

Someone else was not so impressed

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesday::OUT!!

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011


1. W's Big Boy Bed
First night (Friday) was rough. He went to sleep just fine, but cried from 2a-4a.
This is a pic of him the next morning.
Billy said he was mad at me. :-(
He is doing much better, now. He goes to bed easy and will wake up maybe once or twice for a minute and goes back to sleep. Yea!

2. Kiddie Acres
GD came in for a visit and they took the kids to Kiddie Acres.

Bubby riding the train.

Boat ride!
I love E's determined look!
Our little cowboy

3. Speaking of Cowboys
Happiest and cutest Cowboy Fans in the world

4. Happy Turkey Day, 3 Year Old Style
Today was Emmy's T-Day party at school. Savannah's mommy did such a great job!
Emmy and friends chowing down on their feast:
Turkey sandwiches, cheese, popcorn, candycorn, pumpkin pie and apple cider
Someone L<3VED the pumpkin pie
W crashed the party and stole the turkey balloon
Turkey Bowling
How stinkin' cute is that?!

30 Days of Gratitude

Day 11::Something Old
My Meme's china, given to me for my wedding
Day 12::Hands
See those sticky, Emmy hand prints??
Day 13::Written Words
W's medication "Bible"

Day 14::Movement
All of baby girl's pics are blurry because she never stops moving
Day 15::Technology
A robotic prosthetic? How badass is that?!
We can rebuild him...we have the technology...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What's goin' on?

A stark contrast to last week, this week has flown by!
I guess we've just been busy.

Let's see...
Weston is walking like a champ now.
He is so cute toddling around with his little hands up in the air. You can tell he is so proud of himself. <3

BUT, with the new mobility comes new problems for Mommy.
He currently has two new monikers:
Weston the Destroyer
The first is pretty much self-explanatory; the latter is, well...because he likes to eat paper. Emily used to suck on the wipes, and I know other kids that have done that as well. WESTON EATS THEM. And anything on the floor, for that matter.
The boy knows how to balance his diet, though.
Fiber from the paper.
Omega 3 and 6 Fatty Acids from salmon and CAT FOOD.
We can't keep him away from the cat food.

After a visit from Weston the Destroyer.

Poor Max. One night this week, I realized that he had been eating his food from off the floor and drinking tainted water all day. He for sure is going to kill me in my sleep now.

Babies have been sweet and mostly well behaved this week.

Sweet kissy faces!

Call him anything, just don't call him late for his nap.

Big news of the week:
W's big boy bed!!

So, here's my theory:
W has been sleeping with us, in a regular bed, since he was born.
Instead of giving him two major shocks of sleeping in his own room AND sleeping in the crib, I thought things would go much smoother if we bought him a regular mattress and I weaned myself out of his room.
I just don't have the heart to let him cry it out...I KNOW WE DID WITH EMMY! And I hated every minute of it.

Our little handy helpers. W has a crescent wrench and E is showing off her mad hammer skills.

My big boy and his protective gargoyle.

The crib converts to a double bed, but there is something wrong with the screws. Needless to say, this isn't the "ta-dah!" unveiling of the big boy bed, but it is our his first night in it!
Sleepy Head

30 Days of Gratitude 

Day 8::Favorite color
I am in love with peacocks. The colors are just so beautiful and amazing.
Day 9::Inspiring Person
Chief Master Sergent John Gebhardt

Day 10::Nature
Six weeks gestation

That's all for now. We'll let you know how tonight goes!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Gratitude (cont'd)

30 Day Photo Challenge::Gratitude 

Day 4::Leaves
I see the start of fall!!

Day 5:: Morning Sky
My morning sky view on the way to work. Got to love that burnt orange tower.

Day 6::Books
An oldie, but mega goodie

Day 7::Something Silly
Bubble Beards!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

30 Days of Thanks

I've been reflecting a lot about this time last year.
It was a really difficult time for everyone. Weston was teetering on the edge of going into full liver failure and was preparing to be listed on the transplant waiting list.
I'm not going to lie. I was very depressed last year. I remember feeling guilty that I wasn't putting on a better face for Emily for the holiday season. I tried my best, but I'm sure it was obvious that my heart wasn't in it.

I am happy to report that I am whole heartedly looking forward to this holiday season and am enjoying my babies as the season changes. Nothing makes me happier than babies in footie pj's! Except little baby buns, maybe. :-)

I found a great photo challenge on Pinterest this week. In effort to remember all the things we have to be thankful for, I am going to do the 30 Day Photo Challenge:Gratitude.

Day 1::Favorite Food
(no, candy really isn't food, but it makes me happy)

Day 2::Smile
She is just precious <3

Day 3::Happiness
Nothing makes for a perfect, happy day like a cookie with breakfast
