Wednesday, January 28, 2009

You Can Barely See Her Horns

What is your deal, pickle?
Geez, for the last three nights you have been in rare form. It is like you have fast-forwarded to the glorious teen years in less than a week.
Maybe you are po'd because you realized you have a baby mullet and I won't cut it.
Or perhaps it is because you found out that we really stay up after you go to bed and watch all the cool shows?
I thought we had a moment of tenderness when I was trying to comfort you and rock you to sleep. You reached your sweet little baby hand up to my face and touched it gently...I soon realized that you were trying to pull my brain out through my nose, but was nice while it lasted.
Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

24 Hours and Counting

E has been fever free without Tylenol or Motrin for 24 hours!
She seems to be pretty much back to her normal self. She was doing so well, that we felt she should get some fresh air and we ran some errands and had lunch (to celebrate mom and dad's be-lated 4th anniversary). Mommy was bad and snuck the E some ice cream. She loved it!
I am so glad she is feeling better. Someone this sweet should never get sick.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Turning the Corner?

I think we may be on the mend.
E's temp has not been over 101 today (yea!!) and she seems to be in much better spirits.
The splish has returned to the fish.
Raspberries are being blown.
Smiles are being, well, smiled.
Keep your fingers crossed that this is gone with the dirty diapers!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Green Around The Gills

Poor Emmalina!
She is sick with a nasty tummy bug. I am not sure when it all started, because towards the end of last week she really wasn't eating well, but acting normal otherwise. She improved over the weekend, but when Billy picked her up from school on Monday, she was running a low grade fever and had multiple poopy diaps.
My little girl was a hot potato that evening, with fever in the 101s. Billy stayed home with her yesterday and she seemed to be doing a little better, although still running fever with Tylenol around the clock. We got her in to see the doctor yesterday afternoon and she seems to think that the fever should subside by Thursday. If not, then we need to do some tests.
We got her home, and she ate a some oatmeal and bananas and then I tried to give her some Motrin, and she vomited all over herself twice. :( My poor baby!
I had already planned to stay home with her today, and thank goodness. She had two different temperatures this morning and neither one of them good...102-105! Even her little fingers were burning up.
But, we got it down rather quickly with Motrin and Tylenol.
She kept some liquids down and she ate a bowl of oatmeal and bananas before laying down for her late morning nap.
Nana is coming in this evening to stay with her tomorrow.
I hate to see her not feeling well. I hope she starts feeling better soon.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Nana and The Mommy took E shopping yesterday!
We pretty much bought every outfit in the store. We couldn't help it.
Miss Emily has a fabulous new Spring wardrobe.
I couldn't wait for the weather to warm up, so I tried some of her accessories on her last night.

Pink track suit...check
Cell Phone...check
Ready for another day of shopping and errands with Mommy!
Oh, hey!
Guess who is 7 months old today?
Surely not this "old lady"!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Be Careful What You Wish For

I am insane to even complain about this...
Over the past couple of weeks, I have noticed that Emily has become more and more restless when I try to rock her at night. She squirms around like she can't get comfortable, when she use to want nothing more than to be snuggled up against me.
Tonight I came to the bittersweet realization that she no longer wants to be rocked to sleep...our "self-soothing" efforts have back fired a bit on me. On the one hand, she put herself to sleep in less than 2 minutes with minimal fussing, and has been sleeping pretty much through the night. But, I miss that time with her. Billy says I should be grateful because she may have ended up needing to be rocked to sleep when she is 12...the unhealthy, "my baby will be a baby forever" part of me seems to be just fine with that. I know this is a huge step for her, but I miss my baby girl. She will be 7 months old in 3 days.
As Billy says, "She will never be as small as she is today, so enjoy it while you can."

PS: Not only is he very wise, but he is also my hero for fixing the blasted washing machine for the second time in a month! Yea B!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Say What?

Yes, we shall add "DaDa" to the word list:

mom, agua, Ohio

Saturday, January 10, 2009

All Dogs Go To Heaven (And Cats, too!)

The G's were headed home after a fun day of errands, when we turned down our street and saw two little girls and their "babies". One was cradling a rather large, fluffy cat in her arms and the other had a dog wrapped up in a blanket and strapped into a stroller.
Max and Oscar are so gentle with the E, when she is less than gentle with them...hooray for our four legged, furry friends!

Now for something completely different...

Bathtime Baby Booty Butt!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Updates, updates

It has been a busy week. Billy and E went back to school, and I started my new job at the hospital.
Well, I have been in nursing orientation since Monday. It is like being in nursing school all over again...not such a good thing. I am practicing skills and doing things that I haven't done in over 3 years. But, I am sure it will all come back in due time.
Tomorrow is my first day in the OR. I am very excited. :)

What's going on with Miss Emily...
Well, she is sleeping through the night. Hooray and boo at the same time. Boo?? Am I crazy?! Well, here's the deal. Over the Christmas break, she was all out of whack because we had deviated from her schedule. It was seriously near impossible to put her to sleep. We could rock her and she would be sleeping, the second a hair touched the crib mattress, she was screaming. After many sleepless nights, we decided to try "self soothing" techniques. The first night was terrible. She cried for so long...but slept through the night. So, each night she cries a little less and falls asleep faster. It is so sad, though. I hate the fact that she goes to sleep crying :(
Francesca is making her debut. Francesca is our latest tooth. (the upper right incisor) That is correct...3 teeth! Guillermo and Fernando are excited to have a lady hanging around.
That's about it from our end. B and I are sticking to our exercise goals. Hooray for us!

And last but not least...OU Sucks! Go Gators!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Clap On, Clap Off...The Clapper

So, here we are at the end of our Christmas vacation. In a weird, twisted way, I am glad we will be getting back into a routine. I think Emily does a lot better on a familiar schedule. While we truly enjoyed the time off with her, I think she really missed her friends at school and the fun activities that they do. We are hoping that she will come home exhausted tomorrow afternoon and sleep all night!!

On a different note, I am starting a new job tomorrow. I will be working in the operating room at one of the hospitals downtown. I am really excited about it. I worked in the OR when I was in nursing school and really enjoyed it. The plan is, once I complete my training, I will work weekends exclusively. Thus, allowing me to spend all week (or most of the week) with Emmalina. :)

Speaking of the E, she has a new trick!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year, New Plan

After a long night of "partying" on New Years Eve.
Resolution-a resolve or determination
The Mommy and Daddy's 2009 Resolutions:
1. To set a good example for the E in regards to nutrition and activity
(in other words, diet and exercise...poo!)
2. Always be mindful of the needs of others
3. Always be thankful for our blessings
4. Put paper in da bank, boo-boo! (save $)
Emily's 2009 Resolutions:
1. Sleep through the night
(the parental units are hoping this one comes sooner, rather than later...)
2. Drink out of a sippy cup
3. Complete Rhodes Scholarship application
Happy 2009 from the G's!
