Thursday, January 8, 2009

Updates, updates

It has been a busy week. Billy and E went back to school, and I started my new job at the hospital.
Well, I have been in nursing orientation since Monday. It is like being in nursing school all over again...not such a good thing. I am practicing skills and doing things that I haven't done in over 3 years. But, I am sure it will all come back in due time.
Tomorrow is my first day in the OR. I am very excited. :)

What's going on with Miss Emily...
Well, she is sleeping through the night. Hooray and boo at the same time. Boo?? Am I crazy?! Well, here's the deal. Over the Christmas break, she was all out of whack because we had deviated from her schedule. It was seriously near impossible to put her to sleep. We could rock her and she would be sleeping, the second a hair touched the crib mattress, she was screaming. After many sleepless nights, we decided to try "self soothing" techniques. The first night was terrible. She cried for so long...but slept through the night. So, each night she cries a little less and falls asleep faster. It is so sad, though. I hate the fact that she goes to sleep crying :(
Francesca is making her debut. Francesca is our latest tooth. (the upper right incisor) That is correct...3 teeth! Guillermo and Fernando are excited to have a lady hanging around.
That's about it from our end. B and I are sticking to our exercise goals. Hooray for us!

And last but not least...OU Sucks! Go Gators!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know we all believe in you.. You are the most caring person I know. You will be just fine as soon as you get your OR gear on. We love you very much and are extremely proud of you. The upside of crying is that her lungs will be strong and that is a good thing. Hopefully she will be out of that stage by the time I get to visit. love granny
