Monday, June 27, 2011

Take The Good With The Bad

The Good:

  • Wes is a new baby. After two doses of his antibiotic, he was much improved. Still a little snotty, but back to his happy self.
  • Weston is binky-free!! We seized the opportunity to wean the bink while he was congested and couldn't breathe AND keep the binky in at the same time.
  • Someone slept ALL HIS OWN BED!! (I'm sure it was a fluke, but it was awesome!!)
  • Wes waved to me and said "byebye mama"

The Bad:

Baby Girl is sick. :-(
She either has food poisoning or a tummy bug. She's had fever (101+) all day and has had terrible stomach cramps.
But, no vomiting or diarrhea. 
We thought she was doing better this afternoon. She was happy and eating crackers and sprite, but seems as though her fever came back.
She's really hasn't wanted to do anything but sleep all day, which is NOT like our little Emmy.

 Daddy hates to see his baby girl not feeling well, so he gave her a much coveted bink for the day.

We had plans to go to Houston together this week, but I guess we will have to see how Emmy feels in the morning.
Praying she starts feeling better NOW!

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fever, Snot, Cough

I think mucus is the devil's invention. What a miserable, disgusting thing.
I'll take blood and guts all day, but I can't stand snot.
Unfortunately, everyone but The Daddy seems to be suffering with cold/allergy issues, aka SNOT.
WHY does he always dodge the bullet? It's not fair, I tell you.

In the wee hours of Sunday morning, Weston was having some difficulty breathing. We took him to Dell, and he was diagnosed and treated for Croup. Luckily, we were able to go home that evening.

He had his ups and downs over the next few days, but today, he was just pathetic looking.
Poor baby.
We met Nana in San Marcos for the great Emily switch off. Poor Wes was whining and just wanted to be held. 
I ran him up to his pediatrician when we got home.
He had a low fever, but aside from the snot and cough, everything else checked out ok. Because W is on immunosuppresive drugs, there is a chance that he has a sinus infection. So, now we have 10 days of good ole Amoxicillin. I hope this is the answer. I hate to see him so puny and lethargic.

Now for something completely different:
Random pictures from the week

I call this the "Hans and Frans" pose

You would think that cat learned his lesson after the first baby...

Resting at the hospital and holding his little rattle so sweetly <3

Snoozin' on Daddy, getting some O2

Good Lord, does the child REALLY need a megaphone???

Precious Pumpkin with her Woody and Jesse dolls

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

3 Years of Sunshine!

A festive route to the birthday girl's room

Receiving the royal treatment

Birthday? Me? Huh?

Emily woke up to a room full of balloons, a princess crown and streamers down her hallway

Daddy made her some special french toast complete with birthday candles

Our Beautiful 3 year old Emily

Family pic

Look at that sweet face! Emmy loves her some Nana!

NOT throwing up gang signs. Telling us how old she is at her special requested McDonald's birthday lunch

Minion Cake!!

Happy Birthday to you!!

"This is the best birthday cake ever!"

He thought it was ok.

About this time 3 years ago, Emily Ryan entered our lives. 
We had such a great and busy day!
Nana came in and we went to the Bounce House for some frolicking fun and then E wanted to go to the "M" (McDonald's) for her special birthday lunch...where she dined on gourmet chicken mcnuggets and apple fries, per her request. And of course played some more in the playscape.
She got TONS of presents (not because Mom feels really guilty that we had to cancel her party or anything...)
So far, it would seem that the front runners for favorite gifts are:
Talking Woody doll 
Jesse doll
Doll house

At dinner this evening, Emmy had a surprise meeting with one of her school pals, Mikey. 
They were SO cute talking to each other.
Although, it does concern me that the following occurred:
"Hey Mikey, look at my pretty dress!"
**standing on the booth seat and lifting her dress up over her head**
3 going on tartlett?

Happy Birthday, Emily!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Happy Birthday, Emmy

My sweet Emily Ryan will be 3 tomorrow...

I remember the first time I saw your beautiful face

 And when you turned1...

 then 2
You became a big sister this year

A great big sister...

This hasn't been the easiest year...

And the "Terrible Two's" have been quite interesting

But, you always keep us laughing
And we all love you so much

Happy Birthday, my sweet precious Love!

Last 2 year old pic!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Summer:Week 2

While our second week is not quite over, there is a lot of stuff that has happened and some BIG things to come!!

"Buzz and Woody" (Toy Story 3) has passed up "Minions" (Despicable Me) as our favorite, and thus most requested thing to watch.
Do you ever find yourself willing the plot to change?
WHY couldn't they make it up into the attic??

 Can you believe how big he is?!

 Sweet Emily's birthday party was supposed to be Tuesday evening at the jumpy house. Unfortunately, we had to cancel it because of an issue with Weston (nothing's wrong, just precautionary). So, we headed over for our own little play time.
NOT amused with the chicken wrangling.
 We are still taking bike rides in the morning, evening or both. Leave it to Superman, aka Daddy, to find a miserable awesome hill to ride up,just around the corner from our neighborhood.
They worked hard!
 Tuesday, Emily start swimming lessons. I was anxious if she was going to be ok, seeing as that she HATES to get water in her face and eyes. But, she did great! She was putting her face in the water, and holding her breath for a couple of seconds by the end of the first lesson.
Dora the Explorer goggles + pink tutu swim suit = Supreme Swimming Sweetness

Emmy has started drawing people and faces. Below is a semi-complete family portrait. She was naming the people off as she was drawing them. I hung it on the fridge and she still goes up to it and points out the each person.
(ok, so I am tired of fiddling with this pic. I edited it to label all the people, but now can't get it to rotate or show at a normal size. Maybe if you click on it, it will enlarge...)
We have biked over to Aunt Ami and Uncle Scott's neighborhood park a couple of times so the kids can swing together.
Cutie Pie Addison came back from a big trip with new tricks:
Giving sweet hugs

Saying "hi!"
And now we arrive at today.
I was able to complete Summer Project 2: Cleaning out and organizing the hall linen closet.
It doesn't sound like a big deal, but after 6 years of being one of our "catch all" storage locations, it was a little bit of an undertaking.
It is now nicely organized and tidied...and even holding all of the many kid blankets.

Unfortunately, it has not been a good day with/for the monkeys.
It's a full moon tonight, if you haven't noticed.
I did have a brief moment of guilty parental bliss when i shot them both with water guns (much to their delight).
Don't judge me. You have no idea...

Saturday, June 11, 2011

First Week of Summer

Our first weekend of summer has come to a close. 
If this is an indicator of times to come, I can't wait. We had a great week!

Emily started the week off visiting her Nana. This allowed Billy and I to get a couple of projects and errands out of the way.

Summer Project #1: Painting of the fire place wall
We biked 20 miles this week with the babies.
Pool Time
My tiny turtle <3
Movie night: Buzz and Woody (aka Toy Story 3)
Saturday came around way too fast, and I had to go back to work.
But, as usual, I received many a picture text to keep me in the loop of what I was missing out on at home...
I don't even want to know...
"Don't worry, Mom. I've got it under control."

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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Officially in Austin

After 15 years for me, and 9 for Billy, we have officially become Austinites.
The criteria...
Shopping at Whole Foods and/or Sprouts for organic produce and grass-fed beef
Embracing the oppressive heat and perpetual drought
Oh, and bikes.
We both got bikes and a little trailer for the babies.

Mommy's little B.A.M.F. posing with Daddy's bike in a box

Now that it is summer, we have been able to ride as a family in the morning and evening.
Just in the last two days, we have logged 11.5 miles. 
It's so time to lose the baby/transplant stress weight!
Little Man tolerating his parents' new obsession

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