Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Holy Macaroons! It's Snowing!

And I don't mean a flurry here and there...
IT IS SNOWING in Central Texas!
In fact, I don't think I have ever seen snow like this.
When we woke up this morning, we saw big snowflakes coming down and we knew we would have to wait for Daddy to get home to go play in it.
Luckily, Daddy was able to come early and play!!

My sweet snow angel!

Daddy and Emily making a "Snow E" with Mr. Potato Head parts

Super Silly

As a mid-afternoon treat, we all snuggled and had some hot cocoa.
Yea for snow!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

20 Months!

Can you believe my baby will be TWO in four months?!
Holy macaroni. It just can't be.
One of the most awesome things about E, is though she really pushes to be independent, she still loves to be loved. Never have known that girl to pass up a hug!

Night time update:
So, the first 6 hours of the big girl bed went really well. She was tired, laid down and was off to sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
Unfortunately, at 11:30 the congestion hit the nose and woke her up.
Needless to say, it was pretty rough early morning for all of us.
She woke up pretty happy later this morning.
Naps were a bit of a challenge today. Lets just leave it with me finding her on the floor with a pillow.
So far, so good tonight! Hopefully we can kick this cold and have a good night's sleep.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Big Girl Room

As I am typing this, my little girl is fast asleep in her new bed!!
We had a busy day: switching the nursery furniture out with Emily's "new" furniture, having the carpets cleaned and having the new mattress delivered.
Did I mention no nap?
For the second consecutive day!!
I am thinking that the result was definitely worth the effort...

Her room will NEVER be this clean again!

Dive-bombing sequence

I think it is a winner!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Big Day Tomorrow

Miss Emily is going to take another step toward "big girl-hood"...her new bed is being delivered tomorrow.
We bought her a brand new bedding set and are moving all of the baby furniture out of her room.
Ugh, it is exciting but very nerve wrecking at the same time.
AND, she is not having a good last night in her crib.
I hope this is not a preview of what tomorrow night holds.

Valentine's Date With Daddy

Emily had a special Valentine's Day date with her favorite boy...her Daddy!
First, he lavished her with a wonderful present
(a new baby that drinks a bottle)
and then took her out for a special treat:

"It's good!"
~Emily Ryan

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Baby Love

Welcome Addison Kate H.!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Mommy vs Daddy

Due to our opposite work schedules, Mommy is home with E during the week and Daddy has her all weekend.
Please enjoy the stark comparison between Mommy days and Daddy days.
(to The Mommy's defense, E was sick and not sleeping well this past week)

Weekday with boring Mommy

Weekends with Daddy:

Making blanket caves

Eating cupcakes...

Why is it that Daddies have all the fun?!
