Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Rest In Peace, Tail

My little Emmaline just wasn't herself today.
She really didn't have an appetite and wasn't playing and reading like normal.
I guess every girl has a "day in the dumps" every now and again.
And what makes us girls feel better???
A trip to the salon!

After much reflection, we all realized that it was time to shed the rat tail for a more sophisticated, posh 'do.
After all, E is no longer a baby!
We headed on over to Pigtails and Crewcuts at the recommendation of a friend.
(muchas gracias to Kennedy and her mommy!)

Emmaline was enamored with her very own police car, with a working steering wheel.

The stylist was combing through her hair, and the first thing she noticed was the TAIL!
Everyone came to peek at it.
I had to explain that the tail was very important to us, and that we wanted to keep it.
After seeing the look of horror on the stylist's face, I had to explain that the tail should be snipped, but not thrown to be kept in E's baby book to show potential suitors later in life.

One last look at the impressive Rat Tail.
Note the curl at the end (look closely)

My sweet girl enjoyed her hair cut so much!
She sat still the whole time and was super cooperative.
Check out my baby, I mean Big Girl, admiring her new style.

Here is what is left of the tail...feel free to observe a moment of silence.

Word Watch 2009:
Hey GD, guess what E said today?
I tried to get her to say Longhorn, but she wasn't having any of it.
But, before you get too excited, The Biscuit Brothers were singing about a tiger.
And I know what you are thinking; "A tiger is a TIGER, that is unless he's from Auburn."

Friday, August 21, 2009

First Day of School

Home Again, Home Again Jiggity Jig

The Golden Girls are back in the ATX!
We flew back in last night. Sorry to say our flight was less than enjoyable. But, what can you do?

So, what did we do in The Big Easy?!

Meme proved to be a bad influence on the E...
as evidenced by this snap shot of my Emmaline hung over,
sporting some Jeff Daniels' Dumb and Dumber/Ace Ventura hair-d0.

Just kidding!!
But she did become a snowball addict, like I predicted.

Emily's First Snowball: Chocolate

Notice the contented look on her sweet face as she takes in the pure sugar. :)
We had one every night!

We played dress-up with all of Meme's jewels:

(Gold earring on the right)

I don't know...just a silly face that I had to share.

We shopped till we dropped, literally:

But, check out our booty! The goods! I mean what we bought:

Adorable everyday brown shoes, that can be dressed up with a simple, yet princess-esque ruffle sock. SASSY!

We had lots of visitors and tried po-boys from all over.

All in all, we had good, clean fun with Meme!

PS: The Daddy was so happy to see his ladies! He missed us lots.

PPS: The Max Moose was even more excited to see his Emma-lema Ding Dong. I could have sworn I heard "Reunited" playing in the back ground. Oddly enough, E's homecoming was oddly similar to this:

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Meme's or Bust

Emmalina and I are taking off to NOLA to visit Meme.
We will be sans internet for the visit, but I will be sure to take lots of pictures to post when we get back.

Goals for this trip:
1. City Park Carousel
2. Roast beef poboys
3. Making E a snowball addict, like her Mama
4. Perhaps the Audubon Zoo, if it isn't a million degrees, coupled with a bazillion % humidity

What are The Daddy and the Moose Kitty going to do without us??

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Foul Mouthed Parrot

Well, the inevitable happened.
The Daddy did something to warrant a not-so-nice name calling
(in a playful manner, of course).
To which, my little parrot repeated it.
It was just like "Meet the Parents".
Thank God we watched "Scarface" and drank Jack Daniels last week!
Focker Out!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bizarre Food Habits, With Emily G

This child...
I just shake my head sometimes.
This morning, The Daddy got us some donuts.
Below are pictures of E sucking the chocolate glaze off of the donuts and disposing of the dough on the floor.

For lunch, I just witness her dipping carrots in ketchup and EATING it!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

4 Things That Made Our Girls' Day Rock

1. Piggy Tails:
I have waited so long to be able to put her hair up in pig tails!
I am still shocked that she sat still for me to do it and didn't try to pull them out.

2. Shopping:
Shopping with and for a little lady is so much fun!!
Although we really didn't "need" anything, The Mommy found an awesome deal on the most adorable red patent leather mary-janes.
Every girl needs some red patent leather shoes!
And, since we are anticipating El Niño this winter we had to get some ladybug rain boots!
I actually think that was a daycare requirement...

3. Girls' Lunch
Aunt Ami, The Mommy and E had a delicious lunch at The Cheesecake Factory. Yum!! The big girls chit-chatted while E flirted. Seriously...we met a young man named Aiden. He was super cute and right about Emmalina's age...

4. Baby Dolls
So, while The Mommy was perusing the clothing in the baby boutique, the sales lady introduced Emily to a baby doll that they had on display.
I think she knew what she was doing, as we left the store with a doll and an outfit for it.
Emily has never really responded to stuffed animals, but she must really think the doll is a baby. She was so sweet!
She told the baby "hello", stroked its face, and carried it around in the store.
I caught her giving it kisses and trying to give her bink and carrots away, later.
Oh! And when she took a nap, she put her arm around the doll to snuggle!!
Ugh, just melts my heart.
Maybe she wants to be a big sister?

Ok, this is a picture of her punting the baby off the couch.
Admitedly, we have a little bit of mothering to work on...

The baby doesn't have a name yet. And I have no idea what her name should be.
It would have to be something that Billy would never let me name a real child of ours.
So, something fanciful and ridiculously eloquent.
PS: Word Watch 2009-
"My cup", "Its dirty", "apple", "kitty", "aby" (baby without the first b)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My Posh Shopping Gal Pal

Emmalina and I got all dolled up to meet Daddy for lunch.
Everyone we ran into couldn't help but admire how lovely the little E was and how adorable her dress was!
(Thank you, Kathy!)
We had a yummy lunch-she had basil and roma tomato pizza on wheat crust...and loved it!
And then we got down to business
We found a super cute lunch box for E and then window shopped at the Hill Country Galleria.
It was SO HOT, that we needed to refuel at Yogurt Planet (yum!)
Whilst we were enjoy our frozen treat, E was approached by a lovely lady who proceeded to proclaim E's adorableness en français.
We smiled politely and said merci beaucoup.
Emily Ryan is an international hit.
The super cute boots and cacti dress...don't look at the drool.

So exhausted from our fabu day.

Demain, we are going shopping with Aunt Ami...

at a store pour des bébés!

Our public congrats to Aunt Ami and Uncle Scott!!

We are so excited and can't wait to meet your bundle of joy!

Air E

13 months old and already dunking a ball!One handed!
Ok, maybe not "dunking" but E and Daddy were definitely practicing putting the biscuit in the basket.
