Thursday, August 18, 2011

Oh, So You're the Crappy Mother...

And the saga continues...

In effort to get the kids out of the house and away from that blasted Thomas the Train, that somehow has turned into our favorite show (gag), I took the kiddos out to the bounce house around the corner from the house. 
I was fiddling with Weston when I saw the Emmy had rounded the corner, toward another inflatable thing. I really didn't think anything of it. I finished doing whatever with Weston, all of a couple of minutes and I realized that Emily was not in the anticipated jumper...or any around them. 
I started walking to the other side of the place, Wes on hip, and was met rather quickly by a woman with Emmy in tow. Emmy quickly pointed and identified me. 
I was embarrassed that she had wandered off and told someone she was missing her mommy.
Oh...if only.

In a friendly, but judgemental voice, "Oh, she was running around in her panties trying to raid the ice cream bin."
My jaw fell to the floor.
"I just wanted to see who she was paired up with."
(aka...where in the world is this chimpanzee's sorry excuse for a mother??)
I was mortified.
But, I can't blame her for thinking that about me. I'd think the same.

I quickly thanked her and grabbed Emily. In that minute, she wriggled away from me and ran off again toward the ice cream bin. The woman pointed at her again. 
I was so upset. How could she do this?? WHY is she trying to put me in the asylum??
Steering her tearfully away from the ice cream, I pushed her with a jumpy thing, thinking I could distract her and then leave after she played another 2 or 3 minutes, avoiding yet another scene. Plus, I needed time to collect myself. 
Stewing about the events in my head, I noticed that we were very close to the bathroom...which is just a few feet from the ice cream bin.
She ran off to use the restroom (like a responsible, big girl) and she has trouble getting her shorts up, so she always just kicks them off. Once out of the bathroom, she noticed the ice cream bin. It was unattended, so she thought she could just help herself. 

Ok, so maybe I won't drop her off at a fire station on the way home...
We talked about the importance of not running away from Mommy and wearing pants in public.

On to the salon for haircut...
Unfortunately, there is ALWAYS a wait at this place. 
Emily was playing with the train setup and Wes was holding onto the sides of it, walking along the edges. A little boy came up and started pushing the train along the tracks. Eventually, he met up with Weston. The little boy was not sensitive to the fact that W was just a baby and not walking without assistance. He started crowding him. I nervously waited for the boy's mother to swoop in and correct her son. 
No one. 
Perhaps she was dealing with her own underwear-clad, ice cream thief? I'm not judging.
He kept pushing Wes and poor little guy was looking at me like, "what's this kid's problem?? Clobber him already, mom!" When Emily moved in and shouted,
"Hey BOY! Stop bugging Wessy! He's my little brother!"
Tears came to my eyes and the biggest smile to my face.
I moved Weston out of the way and told the boy to watch out for him because he can't walk by himself yet.

I have never been so proud of anything in my life.
Yes! I am her crappy mother and damn proud of it!

The BEST big sister in the world, enjoying a special ice cream treat.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wordless Wednesday::I want Snakey to be nice and cozy

(totally fake, btw)
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We Really Should Know Better...

Who is stupid enough to take a 3 and 1 year old out to eat?
**raising my hand, and pointing at The Daddy**

This evening was riddled with glaring red warning flags that we completely ignored and pretended weren't there...

I noticed that during our earlier trip to the store, Weston had entered that age where you have to walk squarely down the middle of the isle, to ensure that you keep both shelves out of reach of the little one that wants to pull everything down.
Emily came home from school happy, but clearly tired. After all, she's been awake since 0630 and more than likely did not take a nap.

Alas, grocery day is overdue, so we headed out. 

I'm not going to give a play by play of the meal, but I will hit the highlights...
  • Weston shredded and tried to eat every napkin in grasp
  • Emily spilled her drink all over the floor
  • Weston literally covered himself from head to knees in mac&cheese, as well as my left arm
  • Emily wanted to go to the bathroom every ten minutes
And no family outing is complete without an angelic faced child loudly declaring that "I NEED TO POOP!!" at the dinner table. 
Oh you think that's funny? Well, my little girl raised the bar...
On one of trips to the crowded, tiny restroom, I'm staring at her sitting on the toilet, drunk with power that she can legitimately get up from the dinner table to go exploring to the bathroom. When I tried to threaten that power, and get her off of the toilet since it was clear that this was a false alarm, she freaked and when I tried to calm her down and brush the hair out of her eyes, she angrily screamed 

We eventually made it out, without the cops being called on me...with shredded napkins, food bits covering the table and a cup's worth of wetness all over the floor. 

Now I know why there is something called "Mother's Little Helper".
Never again...

Monday, August 15, 2011

First Day of School

Isn't she precious?!

This little girl was SUPER PUMPED to be going to school this morning!! She even let me fix her hair. I was a little nervous about school this year, as some of her favorite faces would be missing...mainly her BFF (who's staying home with mommy and new baby sister) and her teacher of two years.

But, I got a reassuring text from The Daddy this morning and was informed that she had no problems saying bye this morning. 

When Miss Emmy got home this afternoon, she proclaimed proudly that she did not have any accidents at school and did NOT go to Time Out today. :-)

I love that she loves school. 

First Days of Past:

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The End of Summer

Well, here we are at the end of another summer. Billy’s contracted days start tomorrow and Emily goes back to school on Monday. We have really enjoyed our family time together and hate to see it come to an end. I say that so dramatically, because once school starts, we go back to bare bones time together. Just a few fleeting hours at the end of the day, when everyone is tired from working, or monkey wrangling.
I wish I could say we have been busy doing this and that, going here and there; but the INTENSE, OPPRESSIVE heat has limited our activities quite a bit. I don’t think I’ve watched so much tv in my entire life. But, we turned our brains to mush as a family, and that’s what counts. ;-)
Catching up with…
We have SO ENJOYED almost a full month of a potty trained E. Never realized what freedom it would bring…or how much I disliked changing toddler poopy diapers.  We are so proud of our big girl!!
Emily is excited about starting school on Monday. She can’t wait to see her friends. She’ll still go “part-time” (MWF) and then stay home with W and I on T/Th. But, we’ve got plans for Miss E. Tuesdays, she will continue her swimming lessons (30 min) and on Thursday morning, she will go to a tumbling/cheer focused Mom’s day out program. If there’s one thing I learned from this summer, Emmy needs structured activities.
Wes currently is a little under the weather. He has a cold and by the looks of the eye boogers I just noticed, he may have a sinus infection again…we’ll probably be at the doctor tomorrow while E’s tumbling her little heart out.
But, not feeling well isn’t keeping our little man down. He and his Dada have been working diligently on standing without assistance and walking behind a push toy. He’s doing great!! I’m going to have two bi-pedal babies before too long. Lord help me! He’s also doing much better with solid foods and has drastically reduced his intake of formula. Last night, he ate all the green beans out of his veggie mix. (ack!) Not a big fan of fruit, but I’m still trying.

The Mommy and Daddy
The Daddy is a master of “cool tricks, cool tricks” on his bike. We haven’t done much riding together lately, because I’m just not a fan of broiling in the 105+ degree heat.
And I have been busy, not updating the blog and honing my crochet skills. I recently completed a blanket for Project Linus and have started on one for myself.

Final Thought...
Impromptu Napping Session for the Boys

 Until we meet again, Summer...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

So Glad They Love Each Other...

It was an intense point in the movie:

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