Thursday, April 28, 2011

April Wrap Up

Thinking of you, little angel in Heaven...

Today, Weston is 3 months post-transplant. AND, it has been well over a month with no hospitalizations. YEA!!

We had a close call last week. In fact, I was in the process of putting my clothes on at 2:30am to go to the hospital. My theory is that W caught on to our whole "sleep in your own bed" and "no midnight snacks" scheme. If you will refer to a couple of posts ago, I said E was watching a movie with her Daddy and W was "crying it out". That "crying it out" lasted 8 hours. Little guy was having stomach cramps from a horrible stomach virus. We changed his clothes 6 times, his sheets 3 times and our sheet twice that night. Poor baby.
Everyone who came into contact with him, except Invincible E, caught it and suffered dearly. Needless to say, we still have a bedmate that wakes up twice a night. He's doing better, but it is taking him a little longer to get over it since he is immunosuppresed.

Emmy is doing well. Same silly, sassy girl. We watch "Despicable Me" at least once a day, and she knows all the lines. In fact, when she gets mad at me, she tells me that I'll never get adopted (like Miss Hattie tells Edith when she outs the mud-pie on her desk); except, it comes out as "you'll never get a doctor". HAHAHA! I guess I'll just have to do without, then. How will I ever manage?

OH EM GEE! Emily Ryan will be 3 in a month and a half. No way that is even possible. We are getting busy with the party planning. The theme changes a lot, but I think we have finally settled on one.

If E will be 3 soon, that means Wes will be 1 just a month after. Ugh. Bittersweet. Mis bébés!!

Finally, as April comes to a close, take a few minutes to re-visit Weston's picture and story have been updated to reflect his transplant. Remember, April is Donor Awareness Month. Hopefully, he have registered and told family that you'd like to be a donor. But, if you haven't, no's a great day to do so. (both links are a constant feature on the left margin, under W's picture)

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday::Walker Mayhem

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hungry, Hungry Weston

Last night was a partial success.
Weston slept in his bed from 8:45 to ~12:30, when he started freaking out every 5 minutes. We like sleep in this house, and we dare not wake the sleeping princess, so he ended up in our bed after that. AND while he didn't make it all night without a feeding, we cut it back from ~12oz to 4oz. I'd say that's pretty good for the first night, right?

We worked really hard on eating solids and cutting back on the formula:

Enjoying some apple-blueberry concoction and yogurt drops.

Emily even lent a hand during dinner:

{Isn't my girl so beautiful?! Such a sweet little mommy, too}

Right now, the big one is cuddled up with her daddy watching "minions" (Despicable Me) and the little one is self-soothing himself to sleep. Ugh.

The Easter Bun is coming to our house tonight, since we are celebrating Easter a little early since mommy will be working.
Easter egg hunt with Addison tomorrow!!! Yea!
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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Houston Check-Up

We had a whirlwind trip to Houston. We were literally there and back within 18 hours.

Guess who we ran into at the lab:


They had a great time playing and checking each other out.
So cute!!!

Labs were perfect. Yea!

Now the *"ugh!"* news:
1. Weston is a fattie fattie 2 by 4. I didn't think that was an acceptable medical term...Sooooo, he can't have more than 6oz at a time and will have to "cry it out" when he wakes up in the middle of the night. :-/ I mean really? REALLY?!Yeah, I'll let you know how that goes.

2. W's anterior fontanel (the soft spot on top of his head) is still wide open, and it should be closed. So, now we have to go talk to a neurosurgeon. A special helmet may help close the area. *ugh!*

Now a positive: W doesn't have to go back to Houston until JUNE!! You go W!
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Wordless Wednesday::Hot Mess

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wordless Wednesday::Driving

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Weston Wednesday

We had a check up with Dr. Zwiener today.
W is 6 days shy of 9 months.

22.2 lbs (75th percentile)
28" (50th percentile)
Liver enzymes are fabu.
Platelets and WBCs are a little low.

Dub is a chunky monkey :-) the chubbiness has a bit to do with the steroids, which should be starting to wean by the end if the month.

The wonky labs may be due to the bactrim. In which case, they can change it to something else. Honestly, I won't be sorry to see that go.

Everyone, and I mean everyone, was in love...that is, until he let one rip LOUDLY in the middle of the office. Geesh!

He's doing great! What a miracle.
We are so blessed.

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

We Had A Great Day!!

SO, SO proud of my Emmy! As you will recall, mother of the year here got her hooked on the bink again when she was having a hard time sleeping through the night when all the stress with W was going on. Well, she's been bink free for two days and two nights!! Yea E!

As a reward for doing so well, she got to go to the bouncy house:

Last year, she wouldn't climb up to the top. This time, she's conquered it! So brave!

While he was too little to jump, Wes had a great time chewing on his shoe.

Perhaps even more notable, when the timer went off and it was time to go, no tears, no tantrum! AND THEN, they were both perfect angels at the grocery store!
I'm thinking "Invasion of the Body Snatchers", but I'm not complaining. ;-)
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Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Well, so much a picture montage of E. 
She is constantly moving; too fast to get any good pics.
Oh, but her mouth is working!
That child says the craziest things!

And as of late, they mostly have to do with poop and potty training.
**picking up her play princess phone**
"Hello Princess, I have poop."

**wearing her fairy wings and jumping off the coffee table to the couch**
"I'm the poop fairy!!"

**bargaining with me for big girl Dora panties**
"I'll just go peeps in the potty. Not poop."

"I need new pants."
**Showing me her pull-up free bottom half.**
Then we found the abandoned pull-up...
in the kitchen...
full of ______

She is something. 
That little girl is going to give me grey hair well before her teenage years.
Mommy loves you, Emmy.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Weston's Wacky Weekend

Sleeping Late

Picking up chicks at the park

Making funny faces with granny


Enjoying bath time

Tomorrow, it's E's turn!! It's E's turn! It's. E's. Turn!!
