Friday, September 14, 2012

It's A Bird... It's A Plane....

(Update From The Daddy):
From what I have gathered, things are getting better!!! YAY!!!  Liver is responding to the steroids just the way they wanted!  OUTSTANDING... Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, and mojo, and juju, and seances, and any ocd habits you may have superstitiously taken up in honor of my little man!

Ok.... On to this big huba-baloo that we have been hearing about all week.  I gotta tell ya... this week, I had been back in Stephenville... Ashley has been here in Houston. I have felt quite a bit guilty... Sure, Ive been working... but.... I've been able to have a shower in my own home and a big ol bed all to myself.  I felt guilty pretty early on knowing that Ashley was here in the hospital room, asking questions and trying to pry answers out of doctors and nurses, all the while, trying to keep a two year old "quasi-content" and happy in a hospital setting.  Needless to say, I did not envy her. And I felt very guilty... Reading the blogs, somewhat horrified, not smirking at all at ANY calamities (dear).... just wishing I could do something to help.

Now, please do not confuse my WILLINGNESS to help with an EAGERNESS to travel 300 miles this afternoon into the belly of the beast!!! I was petrified... But, I know my wife had been at this for a full 4 days without my assistance, and deserved a break.  So on the way to the hospital, I called and asked her if she would like to get a hotel for the weekend, and I will spend the weekend nights with the Hulk....errr.... Weston..... and she would be allowed (at least) two hot quality showers, and two nights in a plush King Sized bed, which will allow her stress and emotional frailty to dissipate. It is the least I could do.

Again... Petrified, I came up into the room.  Was greeted warmly by a wife thankful to see a familiar face and a sleeping... (YES SOUNDLY SLEEPING baby).... He did not gnaw my face off.... he did not display the shrill screech of a weedeater with the throttle stuck wide-open.... He was sleeping. 

So what's so bad about this?? He woke up.... we played a while.... then we had some dinner... took a bath, and then promptly back to sleep once again.  Life is good on floor 12!  Don't believe me? Check it out below!! 

Enjoy your rest, Mama..... Daddy's got THIS!!! ;-)

Pirate Booty and Lion King.... Just what the Dr. Ordered

A little post bath snuggles... This seems like it'll do the trick.

Uh oh... Maybe this is where the beast will show his teeth... Medication time.

Nope... The savage beast has been soothed!

Take us out Montell Jordan

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