Monday, September 24, 2012


We are getting so close to being able to go home!
Today, we got things lined up to get his new medications delivered to home; started Imuran; and had another dose of IV Lasix and pulled off a lot more fluid.

A lot of people have been asking for updates and a prognosis regarding the episode of rejection and the bile duct business.
While we are pretty certain the root cause of all this mess has been uncovered, the situation is delicate.
At this time, all I can say is that there was an issue with the medication at home.
The best thing to come out of this, is that this bizarre "he's been in rejection all year and hasn't shown it"; the amoxil ate his bile ducts theory; and he's a fascinating alien; have all been de-bunked.
He is a normal post-transplant baby, and under normal, compliant circumstances, will do just fine.
Although his GGT is starting to improve with just the ProGraf and Prednisone (oral steroid), they still want to start a low dose of Imuran to help punt it back where it should be.
Perhaps, once all his enzymes return to normal and he has a good result from his follow up biopsy, we can see about getting rid of that second immunosuppressant.

Over the last two days, they've been able to pull off about 800mL of fluid with the Lasix. YAY!
While his face and tummy are still very puffy, I can totally tell a major difference in his feet and boy parts. I bet that feels a heck of a lot better!
He feels better, too.
More running and playing.
More laughing.

I thought I'd share some of that precious laughter with you.
The Lorax is Bubby's new favorite movie.
He thinks the Lorax and the little animals are hilarious.
It's totally presh, I tell you!!
Sorry for the low quality. :-/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Music to this grannys ears.. Please kiss the little angel for me.. Will see you soon. BTW Emily asked when I was coming to her house I said this weekend she told me to bring her grandpa and a balloon.. I promised..
