Sunday, September 9, 2012

Intruder Alert

So, when your sick, your immune system tries to kill all things foreign inside the body to fight the infection. Unfortunately, it doesn't understand that Bubby's new liver is actually a good thing. All it knows is that it doesn't match all that is Weston.
Hence, infection can bring about rejection.
Remember that horrible case of strep throat a week ago??

His liver enzymes have improved slightly, but not significantly enough to rule out rejection.
He is scheduled for a liver biopsy Monday.
He will be asleep and I have been assured that he probably won't even need Tylenol for pain afterwards.
The results of the biopsy will give us the definitive answer of whether it is just inflammation from being sick or rejection...or both. 
Either way, we won't get those results until late Tuesday.
IF it is just inflammation, we can go home pretty quickly thereafter. If it is rejection, then we're looking at a huge dose of IV steroids and about a week more inpatient stay.

I can't lie, I feel like its been a big case of hurry up and wait.
It's only been two days, and the thought of another week seems unfathomable. 
We have been very blessed with great nurses so far and are lucky enough to be in the nice corner suite room.

Bubby likes this dining in bed with the tv on
Precious Boy
Chillin', watching Blues Clues

After his two and a half hour antibiotic session, we got Mr. Man dressed and took a trip over to the good cafeteria in the new TX Children's Women's Pavilion. Tres chic. He was so happy to be out of his room and wandering.

Checking out the fish. A favorite past-time here at the hospital.


Anonymous said...

Never have known a stronger young man, not to mention his parents. Prayer lists going again.

Megan Sebek said...

Omg. So crazy to see them in a bed and not the metal cage.. Eh- crib! Get well soon Wes!
PS- he looks great :)

Anonymous said...

Kisses and hugs for my big guy! He is so cute running all over that room. Weston get better soon. We love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
