Friday, September 14, 2012

Good Bad News

I never thought I'd be so happy to hear the word "rejection". This morning, the doctor told me that Bubby's GGT dropped 100 points and his bili went down 70%. His AST and ALT haven't changed much, but they just may need time. He said GGT and bili are what he's more concerned with. He also said that if W was his, he'd be very happy with this news. :-D

They kept the steroids at the same dose today to see if they could get the AST/ALT down. They also re-did his ultrasound this afternoon to recheck all the vessels. Evidently, a clot can cause vanishing bile ducts. I guess we will have those results tomorrow. I haven't heard anything about the one a week ago, so I'm going out on a limb and assuming that there's nothing to worry about.

Bubby is still a very unhappy young man. I'm not sure if he doesn't feel well , if he just tired of being there or the steroids...maybe all of the above. He doesn't know what he wants...he's just angry. Poor baby. But, it was a bazillion times more tolerable knowing that the steroids are helping!!

I am writing this post from the comfy privacy of the hotel across from the hospital. The DaddyDaddy came in this evening and relieved me of my cantankerous patient. He was a little more tame by the time I left, after accepting our offering of Pirate Booty and Cars.

Check it out...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kisses and hugs for my little man. I will surely miss seeing him. I know I surely miss Emily bunches and bunches already.
Get well little guy and I will see you when I get back.
Caio', Nana
