Thursday, September 13, 2012

Beauty and the Beast

Well, considering I forgot my make-up bag and have been sporting a uni-brow, dark circles and a chin full of breakouts; perhaps I should entitle this post Beast and Super Beast.

After a couple doses of steroids, there was no change in his liver enzymes. In fact, they went up a tiny bit.
But, the doctors weren't too discouraged by that. They want to see what it is tomorrow and Saturday after a few days of steroid treatment.

I wish I could paint a clearer picture of what is going on, but the frustrating and scary thing is, no one is really sure.
They are not ready to definitively say, this is "x" caused by "y" and we will do "z".
I'm kind of getting the feeling that Weston's presentation is pretty unique.

We are praying that the steroids work, because there are some pretty scary possibilities beyond that.
They drew tons of labs this afternoon to rule out some auto-immune factors.

PICC line was placed this morning. YAY!
Draw all the blood you want!

So, why the Beast?
" 'roid rage" is real.
I got to witness it first hand.
I think it is totally unfair that the steroids haven't improved his labs, but have turned him into a moody, aggressive monster.
He had an hour and a half tantrum.
I'm not exaggerating.
90 minutes of screaming and tears.
Oh my GOD!
I'll take a toddler tranquilizer and a Xanax, or valium...hell, I'll take both. For me, course.

So, that is where we are.

No pictures. Today was ugly. You don't want none of that.

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