Thursday, September 27, 2012

Liveration, Part 2

We are home!!
We were discharged from the hospital late Tuesday afternoon and spent the night locally because we had to have labs drawn in the morning. 
My uncle and aunt put us up and fed us REAL food aaaaaaand perhaps the best part, they live maybe 5 minutes from the TCH West Campus, which we were able to go to instead of traveling all the way down to downtown Houston.
I just heard the news.
I'm too cool for this place.

Tuesday, before we left, the wives of the Houston Texans visited and brought some goodies.
They were oohing and awwing over my Bubby, and he let out the biggest burp.
Good. He just loves the Mommy.
And the Cowboys.

On his way out.

Houston traffic has never been so beautiful

I'm free!!

We got home to Stephenville Wednesday evening.
I was so excited to see Emily!!
She was a bit more excited to see Wes, but I'm ok with that.
I was pretty excited to shower in my own bathroom and sleep in my own bed.

Weston was so excited when he realized we were home.
Clapping. Cheering. Big smiles.

My big guy

These are my toys!!
I remember them!!

So, here's the plan:
Labs AGAIN tomorrow and then weekly thereafter.
We went from just one medication twice a day, to five all through the day.
It is going to take some time for the liver numbers to normalize (they are no where near normal, yet) and they are going to watch him like a hawk (hence the weekly labs).

He should be able to go back to school on Monday, though.
I think it's good for him to get out and get back into a routine.
We've got to go shopping for Bubby. Thanks to the steroids, all the new clothes he had for fall don't fit anymore.

We are all so happy to be back together and start getting back to the new normal.
Thank you again, for all your prayers and support.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was the best news I have heard in a long time. I did some serious praying for our guy at the Vatican when I was there. Missed everyone terribly when I was in Italy. Can't wait till I get to see them both again.
