Thursday, August 8, 2013

Lots of Sharp Objects

What a week.
Daddy and Weston went to Houston Sunday night for his summer check-up and follow-up biopsy.
That night they lived like bachelors in the hotel.

Since moving back, his liver panel has started to trend down. YAY!
Not sure why all of a sudden, but we are not questioning!

As much as 33% in the case of his GGT!
The biopsy showed no inflammation (!!!); no scarring (!!!); no bile ducts (???)
At least in that sample.
Because his labs are improving and his bili isn't elevated, hes got to have ducts somewhere. Needless to say, they weren't too upset about it and sent them home Tuesday night.
While waiting for results, he hung out with an "astronaut", stole a police car and chucked two cans of Sprite at the recovery room nurses. :-o

Annnnnd just because we're home doesn't mean that we're done with doctors and needles.
This afternoon, we had a DOUBLE kid check-up with back to school vaccinations.

Weston got 3, Emmy got 2.

We got some stats:
At 3 years old, Wes is 3' tall and 36lbs.

75th and 80th percentiles, respectively.
His pediatrician was very impressed at his growth and development for being a transplant munchkin!
At 5 years old, Emmy is 3'9" tall and 43.4lbs (50th%)
She'd be in the 95th percentile for height...if she were 6+.
Tall, tall girlie.
I'm going to have to cut this short, because I was just informed that she did her make-up for her wedding happening in two minutes.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never a dull moment!
Glad Weston is doing better. Hopefully it will continue.
Emily's makeup is very interesting. She did wear make-up (lipstick) to lunch with Lance and I on Tuesday, also. I think she is obsessed with getting married. She kept playing getting married while here. Miss them both! Hugs and kisses to both.
