Wednesday, August 21, 2013

"I Love the Smell of Melena in the Morning"

Well, that's what one hardcore nurse I use to work with would say. To each their own, I guess. Btw, melena is black, tarry STINKY poop that has digested blood in it. Yay.
Why am I sharing this? Well, Weston starting having melena poops Friday night. Fast forward to Monday, his hemaglobin (already low) dropped 2 pts and he was pale and not feeling well. He was admitted to the IMC at Dell Children's where he received a blood transfusion and we were shipped to Houston via ambulance at midnight. 3 hours in the back of an ambulance. Put that on the list if thing to never experience again.

Today, was pretty low key. He had another ultrasound looking at his liver and its vessels. And we got downgraded to the regular liver floor. But, as a parting gift, he had another large bloody poop before moving rooms. The GI resident just came in and told me that he has to have a bowel prep (miralax) for an EGD and colonoscopy tomorrow afternoon. X( poor bubby.

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Location:Pressler St,Houston,United States

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