Wednesday, August 21, 2013

NPO Again (to the tune of "On The Road Again"

W received another unit of blood last night after we got transferred to the liver floor. We also started a bowel prep at 11pm... I swear, sometimes I think I am part of a psychology experiment and they throw things at me to see how I will react. "Will she set the room on fire this time?! Lets see!!" 😒

Praise The Lord, he drank enough of it to avoid a NG Tube. I told the resident that if they put it down, be prepared to restrain him bc it's coming out. She looked at me like she wasn't expecting that. HE'S THREE! Alas, dodged that bullet.

He had an EGD and a signs of bleeding. *sigh*
So, tomorrow he's going for a MRV. Like a MRI but looking at the venous system around the liver.

While I was waiting to go back to see him in Recovery, a family was getting the news about their baby's BA procedure. Ugh. Flashbacks. I can't imagine the agony of having to go through that again. Prayers of strength for them and the journey that lays ahead.

Trying to smile. Eyes puffy after crying from yet another IV start.

Waiting to go back.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sending LOVE and PRAYERS to both of you.
