Thursday, February 3, 2011

Weston 2.0 Update::Extubated!!

Thank the Lord, that awful ET tube is gone!!

Dr. Fabulous Hair made the call to take it out around 11:15 this morning.

Weston is mad as hell, but doing very well on a high flow nasal cannula. He is resting quietly now, thank you Mr. Ativan.

Still a lot of bulky tape and equipment on his face, but it's an improvement.

Oh and the poor cries! He was SO MAD but his crying came out as barely a whisper.

My guess is that they will continue to monitor his progress and then we may be able to down grade to the floor by the end of the weekend?!

A fellow BA mom posted this on Facebook and it just gave me chills.

Dedicated to Weston:

I have hurt a thousand times, but smile away the pain.
I am courage

I have faced impossible odds, and won.
I am determination.

I have put my life in others hands.
I am trust.

I have shared my story to help others.
I am inspiration

I have fallen many times, but I always get up.
I am strength.

I know that a day will come when all will be well.
I am hope.

I am courage.
I am determination.
I am trust.
I am inspiration.
I am hope.
I am your child.

God has big plans for you, Weston.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

Oh my word.. Yes I believe God has big plans for Weston.. love granny

Anonymous said...

Talk about chills. What a beautiful poem! Another small victory ... another reason for a happy hop. Holding off the full happy dance when W gets to go home.

