Friday, February 18, 2011

It Was a Full Moon, Alright!!

Weston's first day of freedom was not fun, to put it mildly.

First of all, I am in absolute awe of all you Liver Moms and Dads that are not in the medical field. I'm a seasoned nurse and all the meds, formula schedule and feeding pump issues are quite intimidating. Bravo to you!!

We had to be at the TCH outpatient lab by 8am. Which meant rising before the sun.
Poor Weston's blood letting was pretty damn traumatic. I have never seen him sweat that much (-hold that thought). After two sticks and barely enough blood for the two most important tests, I politely told them that they would not be sticking him again.

We get home, Nana comes in and in less than a second as I turned to put his bottle on the side table, the NG tube was out...I really wanted to leave it, but my gut feeling along with Julie and Megan's (Ro's mommy) perspective, we decided to go to the local ER to have it placed.

Yes, I could have done it; but I really didn't want to. Moms shouldn't have to do that sort of thing.
A word of advice: if ever in the Katy area, do not EVER go to Christus St. Catherine's. Too much to delve into, but I feel it very necessary to call it out. We left AMA...

AND, to top it all off, the daddy is sick this weekend. :-( he can't be around Wes, so I had to call in this weekend at work.

Full moon!!! Why do you thwart me so?!?!

Weston is now sleeping the trauma and stress away. Poor baby. And I am going to follow his lead...

Stinky Butt sans NG...AGAIN!!

Relaxing with sweet Bella taking watch.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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