Friday, February 25, 2011

Down By The Bay

It's been a full day!
Unfortunately, it started early with labs. 
The good news, is that W's ProGraf level is finally where they want it, for now anyway. AND we don't have to get labs until our next appointment on Wednesday! 
4 whole days without pokes!

After labs, we drove down to my aunt and uncle's bay house in Galveston.
I hadn't seen it since they renovated it after it was flooded in the hurricane.
It is absolutely beautiful. They did a great job.

Uncle Johnny and W lounging.

Weston is doing SO WELL with his gross motor skills.
Rolling over is old hat now. He still has to work on getting the hands in the right space for proper tummy time, but he eventually gets there. 
His neck and back muscles are regaining their strength, and he holds his head up high while on his tummy.

Tuckered out from all the exercise.

Emily had a great day at school.
So much so, that she sang "Great Day" a la Fresh Beat Band on the way home.
I wish I could post the last few videos of her performances that the daddy has sent me.

She's such a cutie. 
I miss her.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That looks like a lot of fun. We need to spend some time down at the bay house this summer with the kids. Iam going to see my little girl this weekend and take her out shopping.
Hopefully, he will be able to come
home next week. Can't wait to see him.
