Thursday, February 24, 2011

Our First Post-Transplant CheckUp

Sorry for the delay.
Yesterday was Weston's first post-transplant check up.
We have finally found a lady in the lab that can get the required blood with ONE stick and it is sooooooo less traumatic. Ms. Meeka, we LOVE you.
Julie (transplant nurse), Stacey (dietician) and Dr. Fishman thought W looked great.
He has gain 0.1kg since discharge, putting him up to 8.6kg (~18,9lbs) and is 27" long!!
The last time I remember his length being measured, he was 24". 

They said all his labs looked great and are continuing to improve. They have re-adjusted his ProGraf (anti-rejection) drug, so we must have blood drawn again tomorrow morning. Ugh. All these pokes. At least Ms. Meeka knows what she is doing!

The Daddy is starting to feel better. Unfortunately, Dr. Fishman said "NO WAY" to seeing Weston until next week. Speaking of next week, we may be on our way home after our Wednesday appointment!

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