Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Weston 2.0 Update

TCH Day 30::Post-Transplant Day 18

I see the light! It is bright and beautiful! Growing stronger by the minute!!
I see the light at the end of the tunnel!!

The night Weston had his transplant, someone asked me how long I thought he'd be hospitalized. I pulled out my calendar and said "February 16th". If we had all our home supplies available, we would go home tomorrow. Unfortunately, we don't....
So, we'll have to settle for Thursday!!!!
(I'm still taking credit for my nursing intuition. It is supplies keeping us here, not recovery!)

So, Wes is doing fabulous!
So fabulous that he decided at 5am that he didn't want nor need this stupid NG tube anymore.

I mean, could you argue with this face???

Evidently, they could. NG tube is back in place. That was unpleasant.
I spent the ten face-tape-free minutes just kissing and pinching those sweet chubby cheeks!

As a preliminary discharge celebration, we went exploring and found a garden and W got the first bit of fresh air in a month!! He acted like a mole, all squinty and such.

He's eating pretty well, taking 3-3.5oz out of the 5.5oz they want him to eat at each feeding. We are having to put the rest in his tube. Looks like we'll probably go home with the tube. It's ok, I'm glad to have it right now for meds. He will have to take 11 medications everyday. One as much as 9mls!

I estimate ~36 hours left!!

Cuteness Since Saturday...

Weston's stalker fish. Seriously.

She did NOT want to get up.

Happy Valentine's Day, Ladies.

OMG!!! Look how grown up she is!!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Laura Sigmund said...

I am soo happy toniest the good news! We don't know each other but I feel like I know you by following your blog. Wes and your family are a true inspiration to myself and my family!! I hope you've had a chance to check out Quintons blog. It hasn't been updated since December but that is because God is and has a wonderful plan for us!! Take care and hope to hear from you soon!

Anonymous said...

Yea! That is wonderful news. I can't wait till all of this is over and I know you do too. Take care of my little man and I will see you tomorrow.
