Friday, February 11, 2011

Weston 2.0 Update

TCH Day 26::Post Transplant Day 14

I have to share a picture of some of the best, most loving people in the world:

This is most of the faculty and staff of Lake Travis Middle School in their "Wishes for Weston" t-shirts.
{LTMS is currently where Billy works, and where I was a school nurse before returning to the hospital.}

I will never be able to sufficiently describe the sense of family LTMS and Lake Travis ISD exude. Everyone gathers together to celebrate your highs and carry you through your lows. To say that they are an amazing group of people, is an understatement. Both Billy and I are so incredibly blessed to have each and every one of you in our lives. We love you.

In the center of our universe, TCH that is, chaos reigned supreme this morning and early afternoon.

As you may remember, I gently suggested another PICC placement was in order, and they were going to squeeze us in. They sure did. We got in before 11, and PICC 2 was in place in less than 30 minutes. Yea!!

We got back up to his room, and all the doctors descended upon us at one time. Seems as though W may have a virus. His numbers were a little skewed today. May be the cause of his fever the other days. But, he's not acting sick. In fact, the flirt is back in full swing. And, we may get downgraded again and move up to a regular room! Isn't it funny that the closer you are to getting out of the hospital, the higher and further away from the front door you go?

And then there was that whole PICC bleeding issue. It's fine, just a speed bump.

Oh, and today was switcheroo day with the daddy. I'm home for the first time in 2 weeks!! Speaking of going "home", seems like our goal for discharge will be Tuesday, February 22. Let's keep our fingers crossed!!

Ready for pics???

Weston's thoughts on the whole PICC debacle.

Sleeping. Seriously. What's the deal with the leg?? Working on his lower abs??

Grateful for his new PICC

Just kidding. He was happy to see his daddy.

Dinner with Nana and My Pumpkin!!

My snoozy bed-mate!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my I sure hope you are right as we are leaving Laughlin on the 22nd. and will be in Austin or Houston what ever the case is on the 23rd.. love and kisses granny
