Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Weston 2.0 Update

TCH Day 23::Post Transplant Day 11

Dr. Frankenthal, I just adore you. It's like you totally get me and where I'm coming from regarding Weston's care. We're like medical soul mates, or something!

This is how our convos have gone:
Me: "Weston is whining and inconsolable"
Doc:"He's withdrawing from the narcotics and sedation. Get this baby some methadone."
~problem solved

Me:"He's tolerates pedialyte just fine. Can he move on to something more substantial?"
Doc:"Absolutely! I want him to eat."
~are you for real?!

Me:"I almost lost my mind yesterday. Does he really need to be on the monitor (EKG)??"
Doc: "nope! And I don't think he needs to oxygen anymore, either. You need to be able to hold him."
Me:"Seriously...you are my favorite doctor. I think I love you."

He probably thinks I say that to all the doctors...Ha!

Anywho, we are officially downgraded to Intermediate Care; but we are now waiting on a room to open up.

Thanks to my doctor friend, I got a ton of cuddle time with Wes! Yea!

He's eating very well. No problems with appetite or keeping it down.

He is "comfortably tachypneic", meaning he's breathing fast, but doesn't seem to mind. I saw Dr. Goss (transplant surgeon) today and he said that babies transplanted this young have a tendency to develop rapid respiratory rates because their bodies need to grow into the new liver; and then their lungs can expand more fully. Nothing to fret over.

The one thing that I am super bummed about is the death of W's PICC line. They had to remove it last night because one port would not flush, and neither would draw back blood. He got stuck 3 times for 2 new IVs...not to mention that they'll have to stick him at least once a day for labs... Grrrrrrrrrrrr, the mommy is NOT happy.

But THIS does make happy:


And the recent Baby Boom makes me happy!!

Congrats to our friends Shanon & Daphne who welcomed their son, Riley, yesterday. And Congrats to Billy's cousin, Megan, who welcomed her son, Jaden, this afternoon! I <3 babies!! (and Dr. F!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kisses and Hugs for my little man!
