Monday, February 7, 2011

Weston 2.0 Update

TCH Day 23::Post Transplant Day 10
I finally lost it today...totally snapped in the ICU and crossed the boundary of nurse and patient's mother. Weston was screaming and I had been unable to pick him up because of all his EKG cords, nasal cannulas, blood pressure cuff, iv's... I have been at his bedside constantly, so I know that most of these thing are completely frivolous and there to "c.y.a." more than anything. His heart rate was stable; I disconnected the EKG. His blood pressure was fine; off with the cuff. Oxygen sat has been 100% for the past two days; ripped off the nasal cannula. IV fluids that had been stopped hours ago, but were for some reason still attached; disconnected. I picked Weston up and walked out the unit...

Or at least that's the way it went in my head. :-/
Today was super frustrating for me. Weston is in that odd phase where he is well enough to be out of PICU, but still needing closer monitoring than the floor can provide. We were supposed to go to the step down unit today, but they held us back because of his continued rapid breathing and he was, once again, positive for fluid. His nurse and I have had a silent hostile war brewing. Too much to go into, but suffusive to say, we won't miss her. And, I'm sure she feels the same.
I have a few ideas I'd like to pitch to the doctors; maybe it will give us a little more freedom and delay our departure AMA a couple of days...

**deep breath**searching for my inner Zen**

On a more positive note, Wes has had 4, 3 oz bottles and loved every drop of them. Yea! So long TPN/ waaaaay overstayed your welcome. Hopefully tomorrow, we can get his final continuous drip converted to oral medication and actually have him free of IVs for most of the day...


Spooning with Scout

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, I know "people" who know "people" ... so what kinda raid do you want. How does 'snatch & grab' sound? Pray every day for deliverance from PICU and home.
