Sunday, February 6, 2011

Weston 2.0 Update

TCH Day 22::Post Transplant Day 9

What a busy day!
Sadly, I had to say good-bye to the daddy and this sweet love:

And then, I had to change hotels for the 3rd time.
This one is right across from the hospital, so I can walk. BUT, it's expensive, old and super creepy.

And the toilet flushes by itself...and no, its not automatic. I guess you are paying extra for the supernatural entertainment?

Hopefully, this will be my one and only night here in the Bates Motel. Weston had a really good day and I think the chances are good that we can move out of PICU.

He was started on methadone and it has really helped keep him calm. Poor little guy whimpered for 6 hours non-stop yesterday. It absolutely broke my heart. They came to the conclusion that he must be going through withdrawals, even though he did not have all the classic signs and symptoms. The PICU doctor noted that he must be having a better day, because I was seated and not hovering.

We got rid of this irritating piece of...

Seriously...poor baby. I can't imagine how he didn't go absolutely bonkers with that on his little face. He spent 6 hours on a regular nasal cannula and NEVER dropped his 02 sats below 98%. this evening they put him back on the high flow nasal cannula as a precaution. Truth be told, I don't think he really needs oxygen at all. But, they are just covering the bases because he still is breathing rather fast, still.

I saved the best for last...I finagled a couple of feedings!! Go mommy!! He sucked down an ounce of plain pedialyte (which tastes like diluted salt water) early in the afternoon; and 3 ounces of milk/formula this evening. {he was really only supposed to have two, but I snuck another in...didn't want to waste}. And, as a result of getting something good in his tummy:

YES, under that tape is a sweet smile!!! I cried!!! It was so overwhelming to see Weston's wonderful smile and hear his laugh!!!! Pure mommy bliss <3 <3

I better enjoy my time alone {aside from the toilet ghost} and savor an uninterrupted night's very well could be my last without my Wessy!! :-D

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


silky41 said...

I too have tears in my eyes just looking at Weston's sweet face and smile..God love him and keep him safe.

Jill Snipes

Anonymous said...

Thank God! That smile made me cry and I know he is getting better. Hopefully, the worse is behind us. Give him a kiss for Nana. I love him bunches!

Anonymous said...

What a super smile & those sparkling eyes !! Weston's CPAP looks just like mine. Believe me, it took me 2 weeks to get use to mine & I still fight the darn thing.
