Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Weston 2.0 Update

TCH Day 17: Post-Transplant Day 4

"The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.”

Arnold H. Glasgow

Patience...it is a virtue I simply do not possess.

The Super Duper Awesomeness:
  • Fever free for 36+ hours
  • TOOTS!
  • He is receiving formula feeds via his NG tube
  • TPN/Lipids gone
  • All cultures remain (-)
  • Responding to the Lasix drip
  • Liver enzymes continue to improve
Lungs are still wet. Bleh. He did not have the best response to the albumin and lasix yesterday, so they decided to start a continuous Lasix drip. As a result, he and a race horse now have something in common. Yea!
He will be extubated...He will be extubated...He will be extubated.


Anonymous said...

I just learned about the Golden Family today as I subbed at LTMS. I was working in a CMV research lab at the time Jamie Fiske received her liver transplant at the University of Minnesota in 1982. It was pioneering work by Dr.Najarian and now I read a blog that three children received liver transplants in three days. It seems unbelievable! Jamie will be turning 30 soon. She had BA and was 11 months old. Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding...God Bless. Beth Null

Anonymous said...

The blessings we have received are so amazing that I can't keep up.. Weston is truly a blessed baby.. Little steps in the right direction just means they are good ones.. granny kisses to you all

Susan Jones said...

Thank you so very much for the "high-tech" updates!
Hang in there with your patience and humor! Please know Weston and his wonderful family remain at the top of my prayer list! Much love to you all! Susan Jones

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Beth Null, for your words of encouragement. The light at the end of the tunnel grows bigger every day.
