Thursday, February 17, 2011


I can't believe I'm really going to say this....Weston is out of the hospital!! Yea!!!!!!

We got official word this morning. Someone was happy to get that news!

We had our medications and tube feed pariphineala delivered to the hospital.

And got dressed to go! Thanks to Ro and Mommy for our spiffy going home outfit!! (and awesome onesie and yummy cake!!)(Ro looks fantastic!!)

We are being discharged locally, meaning we will have to keep W in Houston for the next week or two. That's ok! My aunt and uncle have graciously opened their beautiful home to Wes&Co.
(Thank you so much! We love you!!)

We're in the truck! Making a break for it!! Uncle Johnny, let's GO!

Enjoying his first real bath in over a month.

All snuggled up and ready for bed. With no one bugging us!

We have to go in for labs tomorrow (boo), but then Nana and Daddy will be in!

It is so nice to be out of the hospital.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:NOT TCH!!!


Anonymous said...

I don't know when I/ve been sooo happy God bless you all... I hope to get to see you soon give Weston kisses from granny

Anonymous said...

So so happy for you all!! Go Weston - you did great little one!!! Back in Austin with your big sis in no time!!
Hugs from your liver buddy Ben

Anonymous said...

Been doing the happy dance up & down the street, yelling as loud as I can. Next week ... Austin & HOME !!!!
