Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy 1 Month, New Liver!!

It has been a month already.
A month of joy and happiness for us.
For our Donor's family, it probably has not been so easy.
Please remember our Angel, our Hero, Weston's Donor today.
And, please continue to pray for their family.

Weston is continuing to thrive and make up for lost time.
He is sitting up by himself for longer periods of time.
Eating solids more and more.
Pulling hair...
Belly laughing.

He really is doing well. And you can TELL he feels better.
The last two days, he has taken over 28oz by mouth! You go Wes!
Little Man's thighs are chunky and he is filling out quite nicely.

Check out how big he is!!

His Fonzie impression.

So, I figured that since he was doing so well taking all the formula by mouth and even some of his medications, they would take his NG tube out Wednesday. {more than likely}.
Face Tape was coming loose, again.
And after his bath, it was almost non-existent. I went searching for the roll of missing tape.
With a cough/sneeze, NG partially was I pulled it.
If they want it back in, we'll do it at our appointment Wednesday.
Until then...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

Ashley, what great news and he looks so healthy and happy! It's hard to imagine how sick he was and how much he has improved!! Looks like he is really filling out!

So thankful for answered prayers!
Take care and give both of those two cuties and hug and a kiss.
Miss Carlette

The H Fam said...

SO cute!I will continue praying for the Wes' Angel and their family.

Anonymous said...

Met a man on Sat whose lost his 18-yr old daughter 9 months ago. Family & friends were gathering to celebrate her 19th b'day & the receivers of her organs. Had to hug him & say "thank you" for being so generous.
Continued prayers to Weston's angel & his/her family.
