Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Visitors, Tantrums and Hijinks

It's been a busy couple of weeks.
We had visits from Nana and GD to help keep the Bubby birthday celebration going.

Speaking of Bubby birthday...it is like he turned two and the tantrum switch has flicked on.
Emmy threw screamin tantrums, but Bubby...he throws things. 
Binkies. cups of milk, cutlery, plates of food. 
It's always upsetting to see your baby act like that; but, exponentially more difficult to see Wes, known for being so sweet and loving.
Don't get me wrong, he switches back to the sweet Bubby as quickly as he shifts into monster mode.

Super Cat!
Poor Max. Such a trooper

Do you see it?
Tantrum's a'brewin'

Beautiful Emmy
AAAAAND we're back to the super sweet, silly boy

The warm fuzzies:

Daddy Pedicure! <3
Such an awesome DaddyDaddy
Purple piggies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not my baby boy! He can't be doing those things. I guess the tightening of his fist has move on to throwing things!
He looks tired in that picture and Emily looks so sweet.
I see that Billy is getting a second job doing nails now.
Kisses and Hugs for my sweeties! See you soon.
