Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Cast Week 1

First week down, one to go.
Bubby is not a big fan.
Not digging the impedance getting around and into stuff.
Poor little guy is so desperate to stand up, but the bend of the cast doesn't allow it.
He has adapted, and is not sliding across his a dog...scratching his butt on the floor. 
Poor baby!

Enjoying a nice bubbly bath.
Thank God for water-proof casts!!

**Warning! Cute baby booty ahead!**

ARGH! Look at those precious little buns!!

It was a rough week.
We celebrated its end with some FroYo.

She looks like she is going to cry.
What's in the cup: chocolate FroYo, maraschino cherries and gummy bears

Just chillin' and texting his daddy.
For real. He sent one, typed another and I think made a phone call to his Nana.

And a little bit of random:
I was at a nursery the other day and saw two caterpillars on this one plant.
I haven't seen caterpillars like this since I was a kid. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He looks so sad not being able to go like he usually does. I wish I had a water proof cast when I broke my arm.
Can't wait to see them again. Give them my love and big kisses.
