Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Catch Up


Monday was supposed to be an awesome day...
His fracture is healing perfectly.
IF he were able to police his own activity, he might have been given a break...
Alas, new cast for another 3 weeks. 

Trying the blue on

To add insult to injury, he was also feeling under the weather, poor tummy.

Finally feeling like eating...chowing down on some tummy friendly foods.

He looks like such a little boy!! No more Mommy's Baby :'-(

Much to our chagrin, someone has taken to sleeping in our bed again.
My theory is the cast prevents him from getting into the full fetal position, and he gets uncomfortable and wakes up...and won't go back to sleep.
And he still likes to sleep in the middle of the bed, taking up as much room as possible.


Emmy is good, as usual.
You can count on her to stay healthy when everyone is sick and dying.
She's been having a bit of trouble at school...she is expected to lay quietly during nap time.
Well, she doesn't nap aaaaaand she is super hyper.
Bad combo.
Although, I do think it is a bit much to ask a 4 year old to lay still and be quiet for over an hour, going upwards to two hours.

My big girl!!
She told me that she and her Daddy were very busy outside.

She did a pretty good job!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My sweet babies see ya soon!
