Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Happy 4th of July!!
 We actually got to celebrate this year :-)

Wessy woke up not feeling so hot, so he and I stayed in and snuggled.
But, Daddy and Emmy got all decked out for the local 4th of July parade.

My beautiful Firecracker and her cutie patootie gal pal Ava

The afternoon was low key.
We met up with Billy's step-brother and his family and got some BBQ at Hard 8. 
It was pretty good. My princess requested "HAM!"and "Pickles!"
Silly girl.
After dinner, back to the house for some illegal backyard firecrackers.

Emmy with her sparklers

Bubby was so tired, but enjoyed watching from his swing

Billy and Drake discussing their plan of action on how to make the biggest explosion

Bubby and I didn't make it out to the big fireworks at the park, but Daddy and E are out enjoying the big Booms!!

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