Thursday, August 16, 2012

Middle of August

Let's see...

Bubby got his cast off FOR REAL at the beginning of the month.
Last pic of my guy with the icky blue cast.
Look at that BIG boy!!
I guess it is the perspective in the pic, because we got updated stats on him...

Emily loves riding her bike.
The 100+ degree climate doesn't seem to deter her, either.
DaddyDaddy says she is getting better each time.

Heck on Wheels!
Emmy is doing better at school.
Her good days have started to out-numbered her not so good days.
Speaking of school, she has taken to drawing pictures of everyone...anatomically correct. 
Crazy child!

Last week, we drove to Houston for W's liver check up.
We had an uneventful drive, but arrived late to the hotel...and then had to switch rooms because we discovered the sheets were not clean.
My OCD "we're all going to catch Ebola and die" was trying to flare up, but I think I did a good job repressing it.
Chatting with someone important.
Bubby <3 alexander="alexander" bell.="bell." br="br" graham="graham" s="s">
The pre-appointment lab draw was traumatic.
Three sticks.
Lots of big Bubby tears.
So sad!
Take two cookies and call me in the morning.
Bubby, MD


He is 2'10" tall (52.56%) and 32lbs 6.5oz (90.1%).
From the first pic, you probably thought he was catching up with Emmy on height.
Nope. She is still about a foot taller than him and MAYBE 4lbs heavier.
My solid little man and spindly amazon baby girl.

His labs were fine, except for his medication level. They adjusted it and we got labs drawn locally today.
Everyone in college station thought I was a girl.

Last weekend, I was on call; so we had to lay low in case I needed to go in.
We did manage to check out a new restaurant and get the kids' hair cut.
He was NOT happy.
I think he thought they were going to stick him, after the lab fiasco.
Emmy got a super cute and sassy bob.

That's about it...we are doing baths and watching Rio for oh, the 100th time.
I don't really mind...its cute to watch them laugh and dance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad he is doing well! Emily is getting so big and Weston is keeping up with her too.
Can't wait to see them next week.
