Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tired of Hosifuls::Day 3

Sooooooooo, the surgical and GI teams are thrilled with W's wound and progress. Staph Aureus is still the only thing that has grown from the wound culture. They say, send him home tomorrow on oral antibiotics and continue his wound care at home. Infectious Disease, on the other hand, is freaking out and wants him to have iv antibiotics thru Friday.
Seriously?? They are supposed to hash it out between them. We really hope they let us go home tomorrow and salvage the last couple of days of Spring Break.

W was more himself today. We went for a walk and he flirted with everyone we saw.

Checking out his feet.

Trying to ward off those gross big sister germs.

My Emmy.

Spoiled her with a huge bubble bath in Mommy's tub.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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