Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tastes Like Skunk::Day 4

In this whole liver fiasco, I have NEVER been more frustrated than today.
In four hours, we had 5 different plans.
NO communication between teams.
BTW, yes we are still in the hospital, if you hadn't guessed.
The latest plan, as of 6pm:
Because W's peripheral IV was failing, switching his antibiotics to an oral version (which "tastes like skunk"). Tomorrow morning, he will go down to have anesthesia sedate and draw labs.
After that...well, that is still cloudy.

Oh, learned a nice little item of interest. Anesthesia evaluated his peripheral venous access status (the day he was stuck EIGHT TIMES) and he has none.
SO, that means IF he needs blood drawn, its a femoral stick (sedation and doctor)
and if he needs IV meds, its a central line.

I apologize that I am coarse with this posting, but I am honestly so frickin' sick of being in a hospital and having my family broken up. Billy and I are switching every afternoon so that we both get to spend time with Emily and get a break from the 5 Star experience that is being inpatient.

**Deep, cleansing breaths**

On a brighter note, Weston had a special visitor today. Dr Meyer (his surgeon in Austin) heard we were here and came by to say hello. :-) He is such a nice man. Truly one of our favorite doctors...and we have A LOT of doctors.

The Mommy changed W's dressing and packing this evening. The nurse was impressed at my ability...I guess she didn't know I was a Mommy Nurse. ;-p

Well, can't wait to see what tomorrow holds...

It may look like a sweet cuddle, but he really has T-Rex in a sleeper hold.

PS: Totally had a "Mooooooooooom!" moment with Weston tonight. He was hamming it up and FLIRTING hardcore with his night nurse, and I leaned in to kiss him on the cheek and he so pushed my face out of the way, like I was messing up his game! Humpf!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there the best part is that he is getting better and has not rejected his liver. We must be thankful for that.
He looks like he is doing well from his pictures. Keep an upper chin, it will get better.
