Thursday, March 31, 2011

Donate Life

April is Organ Donor Awareness Month
If you think about it, April is the perfect month for this.
Spring is the renewal of life from the dormant winter months; and receiving the gift of life and getting that second chance is much like being "born again".

I just wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate 6 donors and 6 recipients. 
YES, SIX! I never would have thought in a million years that organ donation would impact me so profoundly.

First, is my son, Weston. 
Weston's hero gave him a second chance at life by donating their liver.

Second and third, are our fellow pediatric liver recipients:
Rowan (biliary atresia) and Ben (alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency)
Fourth and fifth, are two friends.
Shawn received a heart from his hero.
The other received a kidney from a living donor.

Finally, another family member.
Although he is no longer with us, Dudley's hero donated his kidney.


If you are curious about organ donation, I invite you to visit the following sites:

If you know that you would like to provide up to 8 people with a life-saving gift, you can join your state's registry by clicking:

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