Monday, March 14, 2011

Stupid Abscess, Day 2

I'm going to start things off on a happy, non-purulent note...
I was woken at 9am on the dot, by my snuggly E saying that it was time to wake up because her tummy was growling and she was hungry.
What time is it?
Time for some sickly sweet cuteness!
We had a nice morning getting things picked up and ready to visit Wessy and Daddy at the "hos-fi-al".

My little Glamour Girl

She wanted to get in with Weston and play
He was happy to let her. <3

The Daddy and Weston did not have such a good night. They ask us to record all the times we feed him and how much...

Overall, Weston is doing really well. So far, the only thing growing in the cultures is Staph Aureus (a common, native skin bacteria). The wound stays open and they pack it with a wet gauze, so that it adheres to the junk tissue in the wound, and acts as a mini debridement when they change the dressing. He has dressing changes twice a day and gets premedicated with morphine before hand.
He has been super restless today as well.
I am sure the poor guy is hurting a bit from the surgery and is just generally uncomfortable.

Which brings me to my next topic...
W was stuck an ungodly EIGHT times yesterday in attempts to get an IV.
Along with the bruising from the failed attempts, check this out:


Yep. That's bruising in the shape of fingers from holding his arm down.
I think I may punch someone.
Can you call CPS on an ER Department??

On a more pleasant note. Since he is doing well, and no longer running fever, they are talking about sending us home Wednesday. Yea!! Keeping my fingers crossed that this happens and we are able to enjoy the tail end of Spring Break together.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

My poor baby boy! He has been through so much. Hopefully , he will not have to return to the hospital anymore. Emily is so cute with the glasses and the watch on her hand. She is a cutie too. I can't wait to see her and her brother on Friday.

Anonymous said...

Take names We'll be there on the 29th and I'll kick whatever you think best.. Kiss my angels...
