Wednesday, March 9, 2011

First Austin Check-Up

We got up dark and early to go see Dr. Zweiner and Nurse Pheobe for the FIRST time since W's transplant.
They were blown away with our little man.
One person even said they would have never known he had been sick by looking at him now. 
Yea! :-)
Our labs are still pending, hopefully they are all ok
Wes cried more in the waiting room than when he was stuck.

We saw Ms. Robin yesterday and got Weston's 6/7 month portraits taken.
For a sneak peek, check out her blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, the pics are adorable!! What great photos Robin takes. Sure hate to see her hang up her camera. The love and care she puts into every pic is priceless. Oh, and the subject matter (Weston) is to die for.
