TCH Day 24::Post Transplant Day 12 I think The Daddy got kicked out of bed last night...
Little Lady was very comfy and did not want to wake up... |
He'll never admit to it, but Max is glad to be back in the company of his humans. | | |
I guess we all had early mornings.
Weston was finally moved to Intermediate Care at 5:45 this morning.
I don't think he got much sleep between mid-night and then...nor did I in the PICU waiting room.
But, we're here now and can relax in our spacious room. NOT!
The room is spacious, there is just no relaxing. Even though our best doctor bud, Dr. Frankenthal (<3) warned the docs up here that W had fast heart and respiratory rates, they still freaked out and wanted to put him back on oxygen and get chest xrays. Oh, and then there's that pesky low grade fever.
Weston has been stuck THREE times today.
******WARNING: Venting to follow. Feel free to skip below.******
Yes, I understand that he needs to have these blood tests everyday. I am not stupid, I understand what you are needing to follow.
Is it not cruel to stick an adult over and over again, daily?
Then why do it to a baby?
Don't tell me that putting another PICC is an unnecessary risk of infection, I've never worked in a clinical setting where a peripheral IV (which he now has 2) wasn't changed at least every 72 hours. Are you going to tell me that THAT peripheral IV sitting there in that vein until it just stops working is not a risk of infection??? That same peripheral IV that doesn't get a weekly dressing change nor germ-killing biopatch, unlike a PICC??
And you guesstimate that we'll be here for another week, and you plan on sticking him at least once a day?
If the blood cultures you drew today are negative,
And so help me God, if you tell me that he won't remember, I'll slap you upside the head.
Weston knows that pain follows the application of a tourniquet. He sees one and starts crying.
His brain is like a sponge, absorbing and learning his surroundings. Are you really going to tell me that this is not a learned reaction??
I have discussed the possibility of another PICC with every team of doctors that has come through today, and have not received an answer. I will keep asking...
They've had to start him on some medicine to control his blood pressure (side effect from some of the other drugs); so, we're back on the EKG monitor. Bleh. But, it's two leads less, and he's only on intermittent IV drugs, so he's still portable. :-)
Dr. Fishman told me today, that once he's discharged, we will more than likely have to stay in Houston for 1-2 weeks.
I'd better run, Studly Muffin is trying to pull one of his IVs out...