Sunday, August 19, 2012


Dinosaur shirt -check!
Dinosaur shoes -check!
Perfected 'rawr' -check plus!

It was such a nice morning...temp in the 70s, blue sky.
We decided it was a great time for an impromptu day trip to Dinosaur Valley State Park.
Bubby was going to freak!

Bubby rawring with his fellow dinosaurs.
Dinosaur World

It was a little disappointing.
The tracks were covered up with mud, since it rained last night.
We are going to go back again in the fall when it gets a little cooler.

But, the kids enjoyed seeing the models and playing in the park.

It was quite an enjoyable Sunday 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw that place on line and was going to tell you to take him there. I am glad they had a good time.
See you tomorrow evening. Hope all is well.
