Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Son of a B*SCREEEEEE!*

If you've watched Rango, you know what I'm talking 'bout.

Five glorious days at home.

Someone crashed out in the middle of the floor
 Emily and I had a date afternoon. She got her first mani/pedi. She picked sparkly purple with flowers. She did such a good job and the ladies were so nice and patient with her.
Bubby is not going to miss an opportunity to slide, no matter if its raining.
Checkout his wee little boots!!
Ostrich boots, courtesy of GD; admired by all.
 Granny and Grandpaw are visiting from Nevada!
Talk about some serious baby spoiling.
Sunday, we went over to Billy's step-brother's house for a BBQ to celebrate his recent engagement to sweet Mindy.
We are so excited for you guys!!
Talk about a super cute couple!
My beautiful girl <3 br="br">(She may have received the coveted "Rapunzel dress" and matching accouterments despite technically "earning" it; even though she's been a sweet girl. Mother's guilt may or may not have been part of the decision making.)

Swinging in the rain

I don't even know.
He mad, bro.

 Which brings us to current events.
Monday morning, Bubby had blood drawn at our local hospital lab.
He went to school.
No biggie.
Until around noon.
His labs were significantly elevated and needs to come back to Houston now for another liver biopsy Tuesday morning.
*Insert blog title here*

So, we packed up.
Including our own straws, diapers, diaper trash bags and graham crackers. Oh, and emergency chocolate.
(This old dog learns pretty quickly)

Bubby was all smiles this morning before his biopsy. 
So much so, we are suspicious of the so-called "IV fluid".
Cutie pie is all smiles
 On his way down to International Radiology.
He loves to ride in wheelchairs.
Pre-procedure snuggles
 His biopsy went well and they also placed a PICC.
No more pokes for the time being.

I don't know how he was able to sleep, as there was a screaming contest going on just behind that curtain.
I am so glad I don't work in pediatrics.
No news until tomorrow late afternoon.
An awesome bonus is that our beloved Dr. F (regular liver doc) is on hospital service this week!!
Thank the Lord!
Not saying anything negative about anyone else, but it is so nice and reassuring to see the familiar face.

He's doing well this evening.
A little crabby, but ok.


Anonymous said...

So sorry to see him in this place again. I hope all will go well and he will be home soon.
Kisses, love and prayers are on the way to you!

Mindy said...

LOVE love the sweet new pics! Thank you guys for coming Sunday sorry it was crazy but we counted and their were 41 people! Were sending you guys lots of prayers your way and hope that little Weston is feeling better really soon! I have some great pics too from Sunday <3 much love from Dale and I and were close if we can help with Miss Emily!
Love you guys!
