Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012

Well, another spooktacular Halloween has come and gone.
Unfortunately, this year was pretty anticlimactic.
I didn't bust out all the decorations and poor Emmy has been sick all week.
I refuse to believe its the flu, but it sure seems like it.
High fever all week, stomach ache, and a little vomiting.
She was fever free this evening and was so upset about missing her school Halloween party, so we figured a little trick or treating around the block would be good to lift her spirits.

Our Little Dinosaur, Take 2
He was so excited about getting candy.
After the first few houses, he was more interested in eating his candy.
There he goes!
My beautiful Rapunzel in her coveted dress!
Mommy had spooky makeup, too!

She had so been looking forward to Halloween and Trick or Treating, but when it came time, so was so shy! Weston went running up wielding his pumpkin and demanding candy. Emily lagged behind and was too timid to even say Trick or Treat.
Poor baby girl.

The loot in all its glory.
She had to line it up, so she could assess it.

Happy Halloween Boys and Ghouls!!


Anonymous said...

Glad to see all went well. HopeEmily is feeling better. Ashley what were you dressed as, a goul? I was a devil with horns and a tail. Hope you had as much fun as I did. Happy Halloween!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear Emily felt well enough to go.. She was just beautiful in her Rapunzel outfit..What a scary dino you have there Kiss my angels and we love yall

Anonymous said...

Halloween is 2nd to best time for all kiddos...surpassed just by Christmas! It is always wonderful to see them all up and excited to get those gigantic quantities of sweets for which they do not have to ask their parents to pay and they just have to ask "Trick or treat"? (Myself I never got it right, is it "Trick or treat" or the other way around... ). It is also an exhausting day for parents, but hey, which day isn't almost like that? Parenting means no breaks and when the little ones grow up their wings and leave the nest for college, there is a sudden bitter emptiness that cannot be easily is then that most of us realize that we would give anything, if possible, to turn back the time and get angry and exhausted all over again...I think we should think more often than usual that every moment we spend with them is a blessed one and not take it for granted...
Der Zwerg Nase
