Thursday, October 25, 2012

Single Parent

That title was a little provocative and perhaps a little bit of hyperbole.
The Daddy has been in "Okamhoma" on business since the 17th.
It's been a long 9 days and we still have 3 more days to go.
Being a parent is hard...being a working parent is really hard.
Being a single, working parent is the hardest thing I've ever done.
AND I work part-time!!
Hats off to all the single parents that have to keep it together at work and then come home and be loving and nurturing to their precious pumpkins.

We miss The Daddy. Lots!
Thankfully, we get to video chat with him every night.
He looks so tired. :-(
Can't wait to have him home Sunday night!!

Weston has been having weekly labs drawn.
His AST and ALT are improving every week. His GGT hasn't really changed much at all.
But, we are still staying put, so I guess it can't be THAT bad.
AND as long as it's not getting worse, right?
So, this is what I thought nights would be like while Daddy was gone...not so much :-s

We have been trying to keep busy and entertained. Last weekend, I completely went out of my mind thinking that two 4 year olds and a 2 year old would sit still in a movie theater. Not so much...
Exhausted after the movie and ice cream shenanigans.

Bubby refuses to hear that athletic shorts and cowboy boots don't go together.

Check out that bruise.
W rolled out of bed and crashed into nightstand.

Bathtub Rave!!

Pre-bruise cuteness!
Look at my little buns!
You're looking, aren't you?


Anonymous said...

I miss them very much. I will have to come back again for a longer visit.

Mindy said...

Awe...hug and squeeze them from us! Looks like little man is doing good and tell Miss Emily that I said HELLO :) If you need anything were not too far away!
Mindy & Dale

Anonymous said...

You are both hero parents and deserve the deepest possible respect...all four of you are a lovely, beautiful family and I am extremely saddened to see the challenges you have to go through because of this particular medical condition...God be with you all and you will be in my prayers...
