Monday, May 30, 2011


What a crazy, busy weekend!

I sent her to school, all sweet and innocent
And she comes home with a tat! I doesn't even say "mom". :'-/
Granny and Grandpa came in for a visit Friday evening and sent us out on a much needed and appreciated date night.

Play all day with Granny and Granpa

It was Tyler's birthday pool party!

Someone had a good time

Our first taste of summer. Enjoyed some good family time. Said bye-bye to Granny and Grandpa. Grilled, stuffed zucchini; its what was for dinner

Fresh key limes for a from scratch Key Lime Pie

And we decided to get bicycles in lieu of a family vacay this summer. The Daddy has been wanting a bike for some time now and he coerced The Mommy that not only is it good exercise, but we could have a lot of family fun time together.

The babies' chariot
So, we went for our first bike ride this evening. My first bike ride in over 15 years! And he was right, it was super fun. The kids enjoyed it and it felt good to be riding. Although, I am acutely aware of even the slightest change in elevation in our neighborhood.

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