Friday, May 27, 2011

Flippin' Adorable

Today has just been a day full of extreme, adorabubly cuteness.

"I'm a firing princess fairy."

Let me deconstruct the outfit for you:
Firing=fireman=fireman hat

She is something else.

4:30 could not come fast enough this afternoon.
(especially since our day started before 6... :-/ )
Everyone was super excited for E's first Tumbling class! 
When she came to Houston to visit during Weston's transplant stay, she went to a tumbling class with her cousin Alli. And totally loved it.
She's all about jumping and dare-deviling, so why not channel that into something with foam mats all over the place.
Miss Thang walked into the gym, hands on her hips, like she owned the place.
Jeez almighty, I am really in so much trouble with her!!

They worked her little buns for an hour and by the end, she had done some somersaults and spotted front flips. 
She said she really liked it and that "it was a great idea!'
We are going to trial one more class before we commit
(we all remember ballet last year!)

Future Cheerleader?

And finally, while we are still on the topic of unbelievably cute babies:

Our wonderful and ever so talented friend and photog, Robin, sent me the first peak from last week's sitting.

Check it out for yourself.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need to send that picture to the fire department around your house.
